
member since 2022

Recent Reviews3 total

Mandarin Cookies

From the first time I smoked this delicious tasting strain, I've been wanting to smoke more. It taste just like mandarins with that beautiful cookie finish. I'm in love with this one right here. I've completely handcuffed this strain. This is definitely in my private stash. I shared it with one of my brothers and now he keeps blowing up my phone asking to buy some. I'm not even willing to sell this strain because it's really that good. The guy I got it from said he was sad and beside himself with grief giving it to me. I now understand why he said this to me. I can't continue writing about this strain without getting emotional. The bud is beautiful, the taste is excellent and I can smoke this all day long and never get tired of it. If you get a chance, definitely get you some...then send it to me because you can get something else. I want it All for myself. FACTS!!!

Island Punch

This flower is both smooth and sweet. It gave me a happy, relaxed trance inducing high. The flavor reminded me of Hi-C fruit punch from back in the early 90s...delicious. It didn't put me to sleep and after smoking the first blunt of this, I wanted more. If you get an opportunity to,definitely get you some of this. I am a everyday smoker with a very high tolerance and this strain still gave me an intense and long lasting high.

Dragon Berry

This is definitely now in my top 5. I just smoked this amazingly beautiful tasting herb and all I can say is...where has this been all my life? Seriously. It gave me a nice head and body high, then tucked me in to sleep. Problem is...it was the top of the morning and I fell asleep until early evening. Yes, I woke up feeling refreshed,but I lost a great chunk of my day. Morale of the story...smoke this at night unless you don't mind being Bill Cosbied by this wonderful strain. All I can say is... 👏