
member since 2014

Recent Reviews9 total

Blue Dream

I'll admit that after smoking 7 joints of this strain, I might have been a little too high. I walked around my house for about 30 minutes because I couldn't recognize it. I then started laughing randomly which was hard to control, but I managed to. After that, I think I took the fattest shit ever. I don't remember how long it took, but while taking the shit, I started to feel like I lived in the bathroom. After that, I just couldn't really handle the high and had to go to sleep. I fell asleep like instantly.

Barry White Smalls

I experienced an elevated heart rate after smoking a quarter of this strain. I used my new Randy's wired papers, so that explains why. I really just couldn't stop moving. It was a really intense high, so I tried to calm down with a walk. The walk was amazing. Everything around me was so much more beautiful than it actually is. It was a really nice high. It was like I escaped into another world where there were no consequences or flaws with the universe. The walk lasted an hour, but it felt way longer than that.

Berry White

I just started using the Randy's wired papers and they are dank. I can finally smoke my joints down to the roach and boy does it make a difference :) I smoked 7 joints of this strain in my backyard. After smoking that much, I wasn't able to smell anything. I was still sweaty, aroused, and creative. Another weird effect of the quarter was my eyes feeling like they were popping out of my head. I also had cotton mouth from smoking so much, so being high, I easily drank like 8 glasses of water that day. It was cool though because the water made me feel like I was swimming.

Blue Dream

I smoked 3 king sized joints of this strain. It got me so fucking high. I started sweating a lot for an hour. The next hour was filled with a lot of thoughts, while I made a sandwich of course :) This one was a BBLT. A "Buttery Bacon Lettuce Tomato." I used the same seasoned butter I always use, except even more ;) The comedown of this high is just becoming sleepy. I recommend smoking it during dinner time and a lot :p

Barry White Smalls

I am loving the king sized papers. I smoked 3 king sized joints of this and it got me pretty high. I now have a tradition of making a sandwich every time I get high. I made a HLT this time, which stands for "Ham Lettuce Tomato" I also used butter, salt and pepper on the bread once again. I had to clean a bunch of dishes after making the sandwich, but that didn't bother me one bit. It was actually kinda fun.

Berry White

I bought an eighth of this and rolled 3 king sized joints. I smoked all of them to the face and was high as a kite. Once the high reached its peak, I had the desire to create something, so I started making a sandwich. I put butter, egg, and bacon on it. I also added to salt and pepper to the butter. I could taste each and every flavor. I also couldn't help but rub my leg because of how intense each flavor was.

Blue Dream

The blue dream I smoked was $18 a gram. I smoked it in a one gram joint because that's my favorite way to test out a strain. It was an outstanding high. I was aroused, creative, energetic, euphoric, and focused for a solid hour. The next hour of this high went quite differently though. I couldn't resist smiling or laughing. During the final hour, I became very hungry and quiet. I had no trouble falling asleep that night. It suppressed my depression, insomnia, and lack of appetite. This strain can treat ADD/ADHD, Alzheimer's, Anorexia, Anxiety, and Arthritis.

Barry White Smalls

Barry White Smalls has a citrus scent and flavor. I smoked this strain in a joint and it almost got me as high as the Barry White joint. I was aroused, energetic and focused. This strain suppressed my depression and still has the potential to suppress ADD/ADHD.

Berry White

Barry White has a sweet scent that reminds me of a berry. It tastes just as sweet as it smells. I smoked this strain in a joint and it got me higher than I've ever been. I was really horny. I had songs playing in my head. I couldn't stop moving. Everything around me was really pretty. I also had the ability to give my full attention to something if I wanted to. I'm usually depressed, but did not feel the slightest bit of sadness after smoking this strain. I think it has the potential to supress ADD/ADHD because of the "full attention" ability.