
member since 2018

Recent Reviews5 total

Green Crack

This is a decent strain. Low burn out, decent for energy and creativity. Didn't give me much in the way of munchies which is what I like. I enjoyed it thoroughly and is a solid standby for medicinal or recreational use. A good one to have around as an all purpose cannabis. Probably a good starter one for people who haven't experienced cannabis before. Nothing too intense but definitely strong enough to do a solid job. If you accidentally smoke too much the coming down isn't too bad. And a little bit leaves you still entirely functional. I would definitely recommend for anyone needing a reasonable, reliable strain.

Purple Happy Rancher

I really liked this strain. It is a great evening toke. It mellowed me out yet didn't put me in a fog or make me too sleepy right away. When bedtime came a few hours later I didn't need to smoke more I was able to just crawl into bed and fall asleep in good time. I had a great nights sleep. Definitely a good standby for a regular evening. Can still function if I needed to but very happy to just chill on a couch knitting. Definitely adding this to my favourites.

Green Goblin

This is a nice one. I first tried it when I had my concussion to aid in recovery and it was lovely. The pain reducing aspect is great. It quickly helped my head feel better. It's a very mild high. Good for if you are in pain but need to still be functional. It wouldn't be my first choice for recreational use though. Nothing wrong with it just...if I am going to smoke for fun I tend to lean towards a more intense high. But for pain relief or calming anxiety without getting to sleepy or dopey this is an excellent choice.

Fire OG

I gotta say not my favourite. It might be perfect for some people but it wasn't for me. I found it made it really hard to focus and and I was fairly dizzy which I have never experienced from cannabis before. Also the effects only lasted about an hour. That being said that was just my reaction to it and yours might be entirely different. I won't be buying it again but I can see where it would be helpful for some. The pain reducing factor is decent. And it didn't give me the munchies at all which I like.

Ace of Spades

I tried this for the first time last night to help with my insomnia. Usually, even after smoking a little I take hours to fall asleep. Usually knitting or watching T.V. until sleep takes hold. Then I wake at 12:25. Last night...I had a very small amount. And within an hour I was out cold. And slept solidly all night waking refreshed and ready to go. It was amazing. Trying it again tonight to see if I get the same result. I did get a little bit of dry eyes. But..nothing I would have even paid attention to if it wasn't for having looked at the potential negatives first. And...I do have allergies right now so it's possible that was it. Very impressed with this strain. It also took a fraction of what some others I have tried needed. So...use sparingly. This would be one that is easy to overdo.