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Recent Reviews4 total

Strawberry Lemonade

I wasn't sure what to expect in this @BodhiHigh cartidge I got in Spokane. Generally we get cartridges with higher THC levels, We like the option to have 1-4 hits on the vape and be silly, and somewhat be done at that. This one reports to be about 72, and it definitely makes a difference, in a good and unexpected way. So I'll have to write up my reviews for some of my other favorites like Sour D, Green Crack, and Blue Dream, but... I'd have to say this one will definitely be in regular rotation. There are certain characteristics that we tend to track in our cannabis consumption so we can more easily determine which strain is appropriate for what we want to accomplish. We are both adult rec. So strawberry lemonade is smooth! Maybe because the cartridge is brand new, not sure but the 'flavor' is outstanding and it was very easy to vape. Some of my other favorites are thicker and seem to take more to heat up in the @pcktvape. I personally hate the taste of cannabis, but this cartridge was so smooth and it really did have a strawberry lemonade taste!! So some of the things that we experience and I'll use as my rating system: 1. Time-wobble (When you feel like you are traveling forward or backward in time between certain times and experiences in your life while under the influence of cannabis, also includes feeling like you are trying to explain the current moment from the future) - NO. No time-wobble with this cartridge strain.. 2. Traveling (When you think of a place or if you are watching something on TV so intensely that you feel like you are there) - No, no traveling either. 3. Buzz-Body (when your body feels excited or buzzy under the influence of cannabis, sometimes feels like big muscles like the quads are excited and need to move) - No, not really. I felt relaxed but not buzzy or 'excited' muscles. 4. Melty-Body (When your body feels like if you lean your arm on your leg then can melt together. Super relaxed but can sometimes feel like you may be stuck that way.. you are not) - No, again relaxed body but only subtle. 5. The Void (When you feel like your brain and body have been isolated from all things around it, even for a moment) - No, with this strain I was actively engaged with my surroundings and people. 6. Forgetsies (When you randomly forget what you are talking or thinking about.. often resulting in an outburst of laughter that may go on... and on.. as you continue to try to remember and keep forgetting) - Nope.. no forgetfulness. I didn't lose track of conversations or what was going on around me or on TV. 7. Munchies (Not only that you feel like should eat something, sometimes the body seems to be asking for very specific things, salty, sweet, creamy, you get the point) - NO munchies! I was kind of relieved actually b/c Blue Dream and Green Crack have me running between salty and sweet which can wreck a diet! I wasn't hungry or craving anything with this strain. 8. Sleepy - (you know.. you want to just sleep) - Nope. I was awake and any tiredness was normal from working all day or working out. 9. Zone out / Engagement - (How much you can stay focused and feel like part of what is going on around you) - I was VERY engaged with this strain. I didn't feel as though it would be difficult to carry on a conversation or be in public. 10. Filing system (how random your thoughts move around and merge under the influence, sometimes leading to creative conclusions and suggestions. Like taking your mental filing system and just flinging open all the drawers and saying fuck it and not minding what files end up next to each other, note this is how I figured out that Indiana Jones and Han Solo are in fact the same guy because he drank from the holy grail) - My mental filing system was not just flung around but the drawers are open to breathe. I connect some things and this strain actually has me being kind of smart funny. I thought maybe it was in my head but my hubby (not high) reports that yes, I was really clever on that strain. I connected things that were very smart. 11. Inside voice vs. Outside voice (when you can't figure out if what you are thinking was said out loud or visa versa) - not on this strain. 12. Hit the sheets - (When you get aroused under the influence) - Minor desire uptick with this strain. 13. Toddle / Walk / Give up - (When your body is trying to figure out what it is able to do other than sit on the couch) - No problems, walking in heels in the city... so no problems there! 14. Vision - (When you aren't quite sure if you are actually seeing anything or if you are spaced out) - No problem with this. I was engaged and nothing was difficult to see. 15. Puff Last - (How long until you feel as thought the bulk of the influence has passed) - For this strain I felt so engaged I was wondering if I was high or not at first. But then I laughed about something so easily that I knew I was there. Some strains have a long term impact, 2-3 hours on a 3-4 hits on the vape. This strain is more of an active daily strain that can be vaped off and on and you can still get shit done and the impact seems like a shorter window, about one hour. Over all - I really like this strain as it is subtly relaxing, has some fun creative influences, tastes great and is smooth, and I don't feel like I have to recover from it. I could imagine almost a daily use without feeling like it was holding me back. So.. recommended if you still want to be engaged with what is going on around you.

Super Lemon Haze

So let me start by saying that the first time I tried this I also got a new variable temperature Vape pen. This is the first time I’ve had a variable. So wasn’t quite sure what I was doing… Just being honest I got a Bodihi cartridge as a bud tender said that if I like blue dream and Girl Scout cookies that I should really like this as well. I wasn’t experienced with cartridges that have the air vents, nor did I realize that the high temperature of the variable pen would give me a lot more of a concentrate in one puff than I was used to. I am generally a 1 to 3 pass person. I like to get the giggles… I don’t like to feel as though I don’t know what’s going on. In this particular case the first time i vaped it I definitely got too much. I was trying to explain to my mom that I felt like I was seeing this whole situation from the future and retelling the story to her. My mind was wandering all over the place and I pretty much traveled the world. Anything I thought of I thought of in such high detail and so fast it was pretty amazing. That being said I felt that I was on a roller coaster the whole time. I kind of wanted to just back off a little bit. My mom, took a much smaller puff so she didn’t have such a big impact. She did however laugh so much that she pissed herself… Literally. After a little bit of time since we were staying in an Airbnb I decided I should go watch a movie and relax on the bed and let things process. The following day I took much less of a puff and at a lower temperature, and that was a winner. I left I was relaxed and I had a good time. Last night my sister and my mother and I went to a casino. We were celebrating my sisters bachelorette party. So my sister and I decided to have a puff or two. And that was fine we were silly at dinner it was really enjoyable. However I felt like I was landing pretty quickly. So when into the bathroom and decided to have another puff. And… I think I over did it again. It was certainly not as intense as the first time that I did it to be clear. But I did feel very tired and my mind was wandering and I’m pretty sure other people realize that I wasn’t quite as comfortable as I was earlier. I wasn’t paranoid or anything like that, but I will say that with all the casino machines and people… It was like my mind could not calm down. It was bouncing all around everything from mentally seeing the circuitry on the inside of a casino machine to thinking about all the people’s stories that were there. The detail thinking is so intense that it can make you a little uncomfortable. This is especially true if there are a lot of things in your environment that might be stimulating. There is nothing more stimulating than hundreds of slot machines making noises and flashing lights. I like this strain, but I think it has a very tiny window of error for me. I have to remember to only take a little bit at a time and let it run its course before I decide another go at it. It is very delicate nature the detail thinking is pretty amazing. From a physical perspective it is relaxing not as much as some other strains though. I do feel like I am squishy and that my hands and arms can go through my hands and arms or other things if I wanted them to. I also felt like this strain increase my level of suggestibility. So for example if you told me that I had Chinese finger trap holding my index fingers together my fingers would be stuck there. I also felt like I could be as still as a statue. When we were at the casino I did feel like everything was so far away and so close all the same time. I finally left my mom and my sister playing games and I went over to a restaurant and sat down at a table and just relaxed. I felt much better later after getting some soda. I wasn’t nauseous or anything it wasn’t that it was an enjoyable it’s just I think it’s one of those strains that go over the line very quickly and if it does I’d rather be in a low stimulus area than in a casino. If you are a occasionally user as opposed to a regular user I would suggest making sure the first time you use the strain start out very low, and consider being at home comfortable. Until you figure out how you react to it this is the safest way to be. So I like this strain… but I think others have a more reliable reaction for me.