
member since 2023

Recent Reviews8 total


Absolutely blissful! The perfect balance of head and body high. It makes me feel warm and fuzzy both physically and mentally. It energizes me (not in hyper way — I can still sleep), makes me talkative, and heightens my senses and emotions. I love everything so much on XJ. One of my favorite things to do while high on this strain is to snuggle my cat. Ugh I just love him so much it HURTS. I just had an emotional spiritual experience playing KIRBY. XJ makes life so good!!

Sour Diesel

“I got a peaceful, easy feeling.” I LOVE this strain. It’s great for meditation, journaling, music, art, etc. It fr is like low-key shrooms for me (tho without any cool visual stuff, lol). It heals me and quiets my mind. It makes me love myself. It even opens my third eye if I have enough. It’s not really a fun/goofy energizing strain for me. Neither is it couch locking/sleepiness inducing. It’s just a simple, peaceful high that makes my day a little better. It helps me quiet my mind and focus. But it can also help me chill and unwind. Overall, it makes me more thoughtful, present, and intentional. Deff a top fiver for me. You know I’ll be keepin’ this M.F.ing thing on me.


This strain was okay for me. It’s an “ol’ reliable” of sorts — does the job but has never done anything extraordinary for me except give me the munchies big time. It makes me focused and tunes out the noise a bit — seems to help my ADHD. But it’s not gonna be my party strain. It’s worth a shot for sure but isn’t my fave.

Sugar Berry Scones

Fave strain so far. I am depression/anxiety prone and this strain feels like a warm hug. The right balance of head and body high. Deff a chill high. Good for relaxing before bed, though it doesn’t make me too sleepy. It makes me feel so happy and nice. :) Doesn’t give me the munchies too bad either.

Purple Trainwreck

I recently got the ‘rona and have felt the worst I’ve ever felt in my life. I felt like I got run over by a semi truck — achey everywhere and could barely get out of bed. Tylenol and ibuprofen were NOT cutting it. I toked some purple Trainwreck and my achiness and headache immediately dissipated. I felt relaxed and content. I could get up and make some food and shower. Then I fell asleep and slept great. Purple Trainwreck will deff carry me through the rest of my sickness. Wish me luck. 🖖

Jelly Donut

I bought this hoping it would be a hard-hitting sativa-heavy hybrid. It deff wasn’t that (for me). But I still like it a lot as a “wind down at the end of the day” strain. First off, this is legitimately the yummiest strain I’ve ever tasted. I’ve never been able to distinguish the complex flavor profiles that different strains have. They all just taste and smell skunky to me. This one actually tastes and smells like fruity candy. Like smarties (in the US) or sweettarts. I like want to take another hit just to taste it! It is fun and relaxing. It makes me happy, but in a mellow “content” way. And toward the end of the high it knocks me OUT and I sleep like the dead. It seems to help lift my mood (I have depression) and makes me feel warm and light. Not the most cerebral or euphoric high, but a calm, peaceful one. It’s deff not my energizer bunny strain but it has its place. I like to toke it around dinner time when I have an evening to just vibe. Then 3-4 hours later it knocks me out. Good for watching TV or doing repetitive/menial tasks. It does make me lazy af haha.

Blue Dream

I’m a mom of 3 kids under 3 (no, I’m not okay). I also have ADHD. I need the equivalent of crack cocaine in caffeine to wake me up. Blue dream gave me the same level of energy but without the jitters and crash. It also helps me focus without giving me complete tunnel vision. I love this strain for day use. Helps me get through the momming and the chores more comfortably and happily. It’s not my party strain but it’s perfect for medicinal use, imo.

Guava Cake

Relaxing, sleepy, and warming. Deff a “stoned” kind of body high. I love this one for listening to music before bed or to relax after a stressful day.