Harvest HOC - Tempe (Med/Rec)
nice facility! with a really friendly older man ushering you inside to a long list of meds. unfortunately there was little difference between their high end and low end, neither were very appealing. And when asking for advice from the cute girl behind the large bulletproof barrier I found out she is not friendly nor is she knowledgable. when asked what she recommends her response was "it's all good". I'm not sure how over medicated and undereducated she was but neither her or any of the guys awkwardly standing around in there knew anything more than what was laid out in the binders of forged stats. I went with their most expensive and supposedly highest quality meds for surely I must try it before I judge it. I burned through a whole eighth with little to no benefits. The buds had clearly lost potency when pulled too early. Extremely disappointed. I hate to be negative and rag on anyone, but it was just unacceptable. Bring in some experienced and knowledgeable people with true quality meds and I am more than willing to try again, but I most certainly won't get my hopes up. Less money into looks and unneeded TVs and more into the meds the truly sick people are in dire need for.