.I became focused slowly and, not so much paranoid; just a little uneasiness went away Also, I felt like I would have been in a QUIET mood even had I had company. It took me forever to decide what I wanted to do. ( I like projects) But once I decided, I sat down and started, not rushed, no track of time, just what was in front of me. OH and the thought in my head. to open the brain door a little bit wider. I have a creative personality, mentally and in hand made projects. I like the times I am able to expand on those traits. Definitely something I will smoke if I know I will be alone and free. It took all night but I have purple led nite lights running down the hallway, and they run on 12 volt adapters drawing not even an amp of electricity. The therapy was in my head along with the ability to ignore the pain in a great part. Its a project getting up from the floor after a long sit.