
member since 2023

Recent Reviews8 total

Greenlight Hayti

Greenlight Hayti was my go to for a while. It only changed because my location changed. But I loved going to Greenlight. I even called ahead one time to see if I could bring my golden retriever with me for emotion support and they welcomed us with open arms. It was cool to get to have him with me as I can get a little anxious waiting in line. And he brought lots of smiles and got lots of pets. The staff was always great. Very helpful and patient. Lots of different bud options and ordering online and picking it up is the way to go unless you want one on one time with a budtender. Greenlight Hayti is a great place to shop. I recommend it 10/10.

Blue Dream

Second review of this strain….this time I’m reviewing the Blue Dream popcorn buds. I was able to get a half of this bad ass shit for $125.00. This popcorn bud comes from Flora Farms in Missouri. And this popcorn bud is just as good as the regular bud. In fact, it may sound crazy, but the popcorn buds are so beautiful! They’re just as beautiful as the regular buds, just smaller. As soon as I got it i immediately rolled 2 Js. Smoked one immediately. Smoked the second one about 40 mins later. I. Got. So. Stoned. Uplifting and happy high. It’s so good for enjoying music. The kind of enjoyment where you feel connected to the music in some sort of spiritual way. It made me talkative and just so happy. Blue Dream is my favorite bud of all time. It just works perfectly for me. If it were always available, it’s what I would always have. 10 out of 10…would recommend any type of Blue Dream you can get. Especially from Flora Farms. They know how to grow. Be happy and smoke some BD. 🪴🪴🪴

Lilac Diesel

I’ll never give any strain less than 4 stars, because at the end of the day weed is weed and it’s fun to smoke. When I first started smoking 20+ years ago, living in the Southeast US, in a very small town, there were no dispensaries. No medicinal cannabis. It was straight up illegal and we got the shitty weed that came up from across the border. We called it schwag weed. And we were damn grateful we could get it. If we had ever come across something like Lilac Diesel back in those days, we’d have given it 100 stars out of 5 simply because of how it looks. I say all this to say that while all weed is awesome, Lilac Diesel isn’t my favorite. The effects were a little bit underwhelming and I couldn’t really decide how I felt (unlike a strain like Blue Dream where I know exactly what I’m feeling). Also, and I can’t believe I’m saying this…I really didn’t like the smell of this bud when I stuck my nose down in the bag and took a big breath. From further away it smells amazing like all weed, but up close it had a very strong diesel smell that was just about too pungent for me. I’d never turn down a free bit of Lilac Diesel, but I’m not going to spend my money on it again when there are so many other strains I love. But every strain effects everyone differently, so give it a try for yourself. But if you’re not a “diesel” fan, this is not the strain for you. Happy smoking 🪴🪴🪴

Purple Papaya

Awesome bud. Beautiful green and purple buds. Breaks up very well into a fluffy lil pillow of happiness. Smoked a J and a bowl so far. Enjoyed both, but I prefer the bowl with this strain because this is some smooth, mellow smoke that won’t make you cough. I feel happy and uplifted while relaxed and stress free. The smell of the buds really does smell very sweet and fruity. As does the taste. And at $26.00 an 8th, this is going to be a go to for me. I’ve been trying to find the best strain for me and my physiology. In the last couple months I’ve bought about 20 different strains from the shop and so far this is my favorite. The look, the smell, the taste, the mellowness of the smoke…5/5 in every category. Package I bought says 15.74% THC. Total Terpenes: 1.41% B-Caryophyllene: 71% B-Myrcene: 19% a-Humulene: 18% Genetics: Texeda Timewarp × Pinewarp × A3 x Ancestral Happy smokin! 🪴 🪴🪴

Oil Spill

I picked up an eighth of this at the dispensary for $26 and I have to say that that’s a hell of a price for such a good strain. I’m sitting here smoking a bowl as I’m writing this review and within 30 seconds of my second hit I fell into a deep relaxation, with heavy eyes, a little euphoria, and strong feelings of affection for those I love. I wasn’t expecting this strain to hit just right. But it’s actually a pretty damn perfect bud for my night time routine It’s perfect for burrowing into the couch, or bed, and binge watching anything. The specific bud I got was Greenlight Oil Spill Budletts for $26.00 per 8th. For regular buds it’s $32.50 per 8th. This is from Greenlight Dispensaries in Missouri. Best prices I can find within 200 miles of me and I highly recommend that dispensary if you’re in an area where this is one (not paid to say this just really love that store). Anyway, I give Oil Spill ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ for being a fact acting, powerful strain with a unique flavor profile and an aroma that really stings the nostrils. Great for an end of the day/workday spark up. I LOVE laying at home with a good show on and a bowl of great bud, and Oil Spill is a top “chilled evening” bud for me. Cheers!!! 🪴 🪴🪴

Pipe Dream

Found this gem and I really enjoy it. I’ve leaned toward the indica side for a long time. But for some reason it felt like time to go with a good sativa (and pray it doesn’t give me a panic attack like last time). The heady high, the feeling behind the eyes, hit almost immediately and I wasn’t expecting that. Then I just lost myself in music for an hour. I felt uplifted the way I want a sativa to make me feel, but I had no worry, no knot in my chest. I just felt relaxed but ready to do something. I’ve read this is a hard strain to find, but if I see it again, I’ll get it again. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Space Cowboy

Long time smoker who has trouble finding good strains that will really fuck me up. It’s hard to get those heavy eyed, “I have to play the guitar right now or ill miss the chance to write the greatest song ever written”, strains. But this strain….is great! Store I buy from says it’s 16% THC, but it also has many other cannabinoids that create the great high experience. I really enjoy the smell and taste. And the great thing is, so many people think that lower THC % means less potent weed so the store I buy from, which sells out of a lot of stuff, rarely runs out of Space Cowboy because people don’t buy it. And they also sell it for $27.50 an 8th. Certainly a great price for such a good and fun strain. I highly recommend to anyone…especially someone looking for a strain to overcome their high tolerance. And maybe it won’t work as well for you as it has for me, but it’s definitely worth a try. Happy smoking! 💨


I was very surprised by this strain. I happened to get it by chance and didn’t expect to get knocked on my a** after a bowl. Smoker of 23 years here so my tolerance can be annoying at times. A lot of what I smoke doesn’t get me blitzed. But this one did the trick. Had a great evening and now I’m ready to pass out. Reeeeallly like this bud. P.S. From what I’ve read elsewhere, this strain has anywhere from 20-26% THC. Not 10%.