
member since 2017

Recent Reviews8 total


Wow, just wow... Picked this up from Tilray and I am very impressed. The buds look amazing; small, dense and crystal all over them (they almost look white, kind of what I expected White Widow to look like). The smoke was fantastic, very smooth and tasty, not citrusy but sweet. Usually I hack up a lunch when smoking higher THC strains but I didn’t cough at all. The high was also fantastic, extremely euphoric with a little pick me up at the beginning to get everything going. I wasn’t couch locked, there was no spacing out, just a solid high that last a couple hours that didn’t leave you wired afterwards. 3 hours after smoking I was ready for bed and out cold almost immediately. I highly recommend this strain!

Jack Herer

Everyone says you have to give Jack a chance so I ordered 5g from Tilray. Initial thoughts were the bids looked great, smelt fantastic, lots of crystals; I was pumped to give er a go. The smoke was decent, not harsh, has a great taste to it and almost instantly a wave of relaxation and euphoria. Definitely a day time strain, I was immediately ready to get some stuff done. The problem was my mind was all over the place. Instantly I had ADD and although I have an abundant source of energy I couldn’t quite focus on any one thing. So I decided it’s time to focus, turned on some video games and attempted to give my brain something it could concentrate on. I found myself daydreaming and playing like shit. An hour later I was raiding the fridge and discussing the socio-economic impact of Donald Trumps latest misadventures in the White House with a slice of pizza. An hour of conversing with my pizza, hi-chews, and trail mix had passed and I realized this ain’t the strain for me to be home alone on. Not terrible, not amazing, somewhere in between, probably a great outdoors in the summer strain. Will give this a shot again when camping season rolls around...

White Widow

This is by far my favorite strain to date, with that being said i have found smoking it in low doses ( i pack a couple hits into a hand pipe) is my preferred way of consuing this so far. I tried smoking half a joint one night and it was a great high but it was harsh on the throat and the high was a little too much. When smoked in the bowl the hit on the throat wasn't nearly as bad and the high was manageable. I was able to get a bunch of work done and enjoy being outside working on the lawn. I found listening to music on the strain was particularly enjoyable and I found myself really wanting to get a workout done, although i analyzed that a little too much and questioned how good of an idea that was. There was about an hour when i was 'coming down' where i easily could have taken a power nap but i was able to fight that off by getting back outside and doing something with my mind.

Skywalker OG

I recently picked up this strain from Tilray and was very happy with the initial unpacking. Buds looked great and had lots of crystals. Upon smoking it I was just as impressed with the flavor and overall experience, it wasn't harsh and had a great taste to it. The high is extremely relaxing but not overpowering. I could feel the stress melt away and i was ready to just chill out. The wife had other plans though, get your heads out of the gutter, she wanted to go for a stroll around the neighbourhood. We had a great hour and a half walk, just long enough for the initial effects to wear off. By the time we got home i was ready to just sit down, kick my feet up and chat for a bit. This will definitely be added to my must have a few a grams stashed away list :)


I ordered this strain from Tilray and it took me quite few uses to really get a good feel for it. I definitely prefer to smoke this all rolled up rather than in a bowl. In a bowl i get a good hour of of complete relaxation followed by a desire to munch out and then head to bed. However rolled up i get a completely different vibe; Im relaxed but not couch locked, i can complete fairly simple tasks, and find my brain wandering in all sorts of different places. The high is happy as long as you can keep to happy thoughts. The only bad experience i had on this strain was out camping. Decided to smoke before dinner, had a couple drinks with dinner and then attempted to smoke again later on in the evening. This brought on severe nausea followed by my drinks and dinner fertilizing the campground. I do really enjoy this strains aroma and flavour, definitely a great daytime strain as long as your not looking to be overly productive.

Tilray Canada

Made 2 separate orders last week, one on Wednesday and the other on Thursday. Both orders were processed in one day and shipped immediately. Both packages arrived on Monday. Packaging was well done and discrete, the child safety / tamper proof maybe a little excessive. Product looked and smelt great, I was disappointed in the size of the buds on one strain but after closer inspection was very happy with the product. I have not had to contact Tilray yet, and am hopeful that if I ever have to that they have fixed any customer service issues they were having in the past.


I recently ordered this strain from Tilray and initially was disappointed in the size of the buds received. On closer inspection i realized these were very dense buds that were covered in crystals. The buds had a very strong earthy and pungent smell, my disappointment quickly faded. I busted up a bud and rolled a spliff and smoked half. The high came on fast but wasn't totally overpowering, instantly i was in a total state of relaxation and found myself giggling at anything even remotely amusing. After about an hour and a half of playing video games I was ready to smoke the second half. At this stage i was narrating my gameplay to myself and laughing so hard i could no longer actually play. I sat there for another hour and a half pondering the meaning of life, whether or not i was in the Matrix or some other reality altered state of being (for the record it wasn't a paranoid state of mind, more of a philosophical discussion i had with me myself and I around why we are here and what we as a civilization are supposed to accomplish...I digress). Once i realized that these questions weren't going to be answered by myself in the cloud of smoke i was in, i decided it was time to sleep. 5 minutes after laying down i was out cold and slept a solid 8 hours. I highly recommend this for smoking in a social environment that you feel comfortable in, with the right group of people the possibilities for great thought provoking conversation are endless!


I just received this strain for Tilray, the buds look and smell great. I broke up a little bit eager to test it and see how great it is for daytime smoking. The initial head high came on fast but wasn't as intense as other strains. There was a very euphoric feeling that overcame my body about an hour in and I could feel all my muscles relax and I was ready to go for a walk and enjoy the sun. After a couple hours I was so relaxed I decided it was time to take a nap. Great strain, although I was hoping for more focus and energy, will have to try a little bit more next time and see if that changes the effects.