Yum, yum yummy! A nice addition to my line up for depression, anxiety and stress. Wakes me up too! Doesn't relieve the pain as much as other strains but great for my mood!!!!
All I can say is BEST bed time strain for me personally. The blue cheese taste isn't that strong because I HATE blue cheese. at 28% THC this takes the insomnia right away. Also I haven't woken up in pain since I started smoking a nice bong before bed.
Makes me very relaxed yet still motivated. If I want to lay down and sleep I can do that too. Took some joint pain and menstrual cramps away as well. I am an extremely anxious person and this made me chill out without feeling like I HAD to sleep like some other strains
I actually go to the Lebanon, NH location which for some reason is not listed on this website. I went in for my first time last week as a patient. I am so excited about the customer service I received. Had a great consultation to make sure what I am getting will fit my needs. I am also excited for FINALLY having an alternative to pharama world!