
member since 2018

Recent Reviews1 total

Curaleaf - Glendale

I used to drive 100 miles (2 hours) to this location minimally once a week for almost 2 years and literally the minute curaleaf took over it has been 100% awful experiences. I had my 3rd horrible visit last week and finally said it's over. I am so disappointed in the way curaleaf has made the patients zero priority and continually send out false emails about the deals. Between the false advertisments and the new people that couldn't give a shit about the customer they are helping at the moment I just can't see myself EVER coming back to this location. And I am a creature of habit. Shame on you curaleaf for ruining a beautiful thing, I'm really going to miss my budtenders (aaron, Logan, Smith, and all the others that have been there so long) Such a disappointing decision to have to make.