The Mint Cannabis - Scottsdale
It has been a fortnight since I have graced this wonderful establishment with my presence, so today, I showed up!
As I arrived I was treated by our local protection agent who assured me to keep all the dammed rifraf out! Met up with Ryan, gave solid hellos to. But no one recognized me with out my beard. As soon as I said words of delight he knew, oh he knew!
As I search my digital ID, to be able to view the gardens of plenty, I could not find it. Thru multiple tries and cell phone throws Ashley came to my rescue. I personally think she did it to make up for all of those bullshit high fives from times past. We were able to find my card and I entered this wonderful escape!
They had tinctures and pots a many, gummies galore and wonderful smelling shirts. No wonder why I choose this place to get my meds. As time elapsed I was yelled at on what to get bc Ashley secretly hates my child like face. But she over all did badass, even tho her co workers saw the bullshit high fives. I have gotten better high fives from double arm amputees! Hopefully she will get her shit together!
Adrianna got my back with that fresh fresh. I always love seeing her, she’s awesome!! Sky was there killing it with the older crowd. Oh to be young with great shins!
Kyra was there...
Jk she’s awesome as well! Wooooooooo tomatoes
Go here. No where else. Or don’t, I’m not your mom. Good day