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Recent Reviews18 total

sweet skunk CBD

Nice, but I prefer the Warlock CBD strain as it is stronger and smoother vaping. The buds are nice and dry but just moist enough after they are ground. Smell is nice and the taste is nice and relatively smooth. I was expecting a more "Fruity" aroma and taste, but maybe it is because it's a CBD strain and that is maybe why it is not as sweet as some have said about the regular Sweet Island Skunk. This strain will not make you really tingly or aroused or overly groggy or couch locked.. Instead this strain seems to balance the head stone effect with the body relief for pain. I need to take 2 or more bowls to get the pain relief, but all in all this is not a bad strain at all, I just wish it was smoother and had that fruity aroma and taste, but oh well. I'll take the pain relief over the fruit stuff any day. Effects seemed to last for about an hour and a half to 2 hours depending on how much I take.

Master Kush

This one's a CREEPER strain!! It's like a predator waiting in the weeds to strike! It feels like nothing is going on or happening and for a THC of 29.5% seems like a serious disappointment UNTIL you either try to get up or just wait long enough then it strikes! And man, OH MAN does it hit. You get sleepy fast and if it is late at night and you are just hanging around watching TV, you won't be watching for much longer! 15 - 20 minutes after taking this Master Kush, I was OUT! I am going to try it during the day to see what happens when I try to function after taking 1 or 2 bowls in my DaVinci Vape and see what happens and will provide an update when either 1. the effects wear off or 2. I wake up and pull myself off the floor. Also you may experience an odd paranoia feeling that can be hard to shake, especially if you have finanncial issues or something that is needing to get done that you have not been able to get done... It seems to eat away at you causing you to get a bit paranoid over it. *** UPDATE *** Took it during the day and I was not able to do a whole lot after 30 Mins.. Didn't help that I was in the sun for a bit more than I would have liked that day but if you have sleep issues, this will be very helpful. I have also taken a few more bowls of this and I must revise the rating. I had it at 3 stars but after using it more, I upgraded it to 4 stars... When the effects hit and you don't take too much, this strain is well worth the price! *** UPDATE *** The taste is not as nice as the White widow, but it is a rather floral flavoured one.


God this strain smells and tastes good!! I can start to smell this in my vape when the temp hits about 140 Deg. C and what an intoxicating aroma this one has! And the taste is practically as good! Is there a down side? Yup. Unfortunately for me at least there is... The throat irritation! This strain will make me cough pretty good. 5 stars if it would just not make me cough 9 out of every 10 times I take a pull! In one sense it could be the Vape. it does have a fairly small draw tube. I had the longer one for $20 but it separated when I pulled on it to lift the vape once too many times, but even if I had a volcano vape, I feel I would still cough with throat irritation... Granted it may not be as much, say 5 or 6 out of 10 pulls I may cough, but I will not know till I get a different vape to test that theory out. But I reall do like this strain.... I like it just a bit more than the White Widow, but because of the coughing, just a bit less than the Super Lemon Haze. The effects will last for me on average about 2 hours before I will need to top up. I don't get tired but I do get a BIT hungry ( But not very hungry like other strains where I have the urge to inhale my pantry and fridge like a vacuum cleaner with teeth! ) and feel rather mellow and relaxed without being over relaxed and need to sit or lay down or just feel tooooo groggy or tired/sleepy. But after taking this you may not have a whole lot of energy after taking this. You'll get a bit tingly though. If you are sensitive to the relaxing strains, you may want to get what you need to do done and do all your driving BEFORE taking this because once it hits it will take a while to wear off. Would I buy this one again? Well, let me put it this way... I will be looking into getting seeds for this one to grow my own just like the Black Tuna and the Super Lemon Haze. Not much for the relief of pain, although it does take the edge off, but that is about where it ends. I think this strain was created more for the flavour and smell as opposed to the pain relief, but mix this with your favourite pain relieving strain and you will have a nice tasty pain killer!!

tweed Lot #1

Right off the bat I noticed that these just looked a bit different and felt different too. It seemed to be fluffy .. And dry, but dry in a good way not dry like it was stale. The smell was nice and woody and clean without any musky or moldy smell. When I put it in my Vape, I noticed it was very rich in white and orange hairs (I forget the tech names.. Trichs I suppose is one of them. I am not very knowledgeable in the terms for everything a of yet. I am still new to most of this.) When I fired up the Vape, I could smell it when it hit about 150 -160 Deg. C. and when it got to the Temp. I like (193 Deg. C.) I took the first puff. Not much to notice till around the 3'rd one, then the vape smoke was in full swing and the flavour came out. A pleasant earthy woody taste and was quite smooth.... Almost too smooth. After about 4 bowls, I was beginning to wonder... "Is this even working?" Because I could not feel any "Buzz" like I am used to. This is my first time with a CBD ONLY strain so I have no idea what to expect, So after the 4'Th Bowl, I got up and walked around and noticed that the pain I was having was not quite gone, but it was manageable,. But I just still felt weird.... Pain is manageable, but I am not feeling... well, funny or tingly, or... Anything! My wife asked "So? is it working?" and All I could respond was "I think it is!" So all-in-all, it is a rather ho-hum strain. but if you need to work or not show like you have been smoking-up, then this one should be pretty good for you. I just would like to have a bit of the head high. This takes a bit of getting used to! But is really is not a bad strain at all. It does make for a nice blender with other strains to get a custom effect if you are into mixing strains at all. But because it does what it is supposed to do for pain ( I myself need a few bowls to get the desired pain relief) The taste is not too bad, it does not make me cough it is quite smooth and I don't get the munchies or much of a dry throat so that is a major plus too! but I did get a minor headache a couple times after I used it but nothing major, just a minor annoyance that goes away after 15 minutes or so unless I keep going having more bowls.


This strain gave me an extremely euphoric, laugh my ass of high, but at a cost. I would either cough like hell, sneeze or have my nose get that searing feeling like when you eat a bit too much horseradish or that real strong mustard and would drive me NUTS!!! However that being said, this high felt like several people were massaging me with mini electric hand massagers! Very, Very intense Tingly feeling on "ALL" *ahem* AND I DO MEAN "ALL" extremities (In a really GOOD way!) When I got up and started walking around, the vibration feeling and the head-high kicked in overdrive! The taste however is rather chemical-like so be warned that the name is in the taste too. As for pain relief I did notice that the pain in my feet and knees were less noticeable, and the pain in my back was still there but was more manageable. It was nice to not be always thinking about the pain in my back for a few hours! I also noticed that I could eat ice cream and my teeth would not be in pain from the freezing cold temps. So I was able to eat more ice cream... (Although I am not seeing the benefit of that..... Hmmm...) Anywhoo... Once I laid back down, (After eating a 1/4 tub of Ice cream... Aww SHARRRAP! Like YOU never did it too! :-Þ) I just let the euphoric part of the high take over and a few times I would laugh my ass off ! The effects lasted about 2 hours or 2 1/2 hours for me. You may have a different reaction or duration depending on how much you take. I was like this after 2 bowls. (Chem Dawg, Not Ice cream..) If you are a new to this like me, stop after 1 bowl. (O.K Both the Chem Dawg AND the Ice Cream on this one!) Trust me. I would definitely have a friend, spouse (like I did) around when doing this strain for the first time, especially if you are anxiety, and panic prone. but all in all, just let the high come through and over you, and baby, what a high it is! Just remember... YOU WILL COUGH... And tingle :)

Fruit Spirit

Where is the "Fruit" in Fruit Spirit???? And no there is no half stars here. 2 is all it gets. Flavour is more floral than fruity. Makes me cough almost as bad as Cheese and Chemdawg did and the ONLY thing I can say that is good about this is the appearance and the fact that it lasts a decent amount of time in my Davinci Vape... The smell is fairly good, I will say that much for it. I will not buy it again. The only thing I liked about it is that it was a great addition to one of my blends where I mix 3 or 4 strains together to get a blend that does what I like it to do. The buds were a bit too dry in my opinion and that even though I put it into a mason jar with an air-tight lid, it still seemed to get stale fast. Not sure how long Tilray had it stocked on their shelves but it just was not that good for me. Pain relief was not that good, I could not go more than a bowl due to the coughing and the relatively lack luster taste. but once I mixed it with a few others, it fit right in nicely! This review however is not about the blending I do but the actual strain on it's own. If I had to make a decision between this and cheese (The other 2 star review I gave) then I would have little choice to have this one come in JUST BARELY ahead of Cheese and that is ONLY because Cheese makes me cough my bronchial tubes out more than Fruit Spirit does and the taste as well as the smell of cheese is a bit worse to me than this one, but not by much at all!!!

Barbara Bud

*sigh* Sadly, there is no "Clickity-Click.. BARBARA Trick!" Here at all!! I had SUCH high hopes for this one!! But I was left rather disappointed. I was hoping for the pain relief this was reported to be relatively famous for but...... Again, just like in my review for WHITE WIDOW, if I could give 1/2 a star I would have given this one 2 1/2 Stars. Now that being said, let me go over the pros AND cons for me at least.... This is not to say everyone feels this way or that my experience is going to be the exact same as you will have, but for me the breakdown is like this..... Smell and appearance was nice, the smell I was expecting to be more fruity like I have seen in a few reviews... Disappointment #1.. The smoke was nice clean and did last for a pretty good amount of time and the fact that I did not cough much at all is also a bonus, so there is the 2 1/2 stars right there. But it did little for the pain relief. I had to mix it with some other strains to do better in the pain department which is sad because out of several reviews on a few sites, I decided to not just buy this strain, but Tilray had a deal for 15 grams for $100. so it worked out to be like $6.66 per gram. But the silver lining I guess would be that I can use it to make special butter for baking! That will be putting it to the best use! And it made me really tired and so it is good for people who are having a real hard time with getting to sleep or suffer from bouts of insomnia. I would have given another star for that fact, but I do not suffer from insomnia so... No dice on that one. (Hey like I said, my experiences could very well differ from yours, and the reasons I got it could and likely are different that what you may be looking for) On the plus side, if you are looking for a rather mild stone or are quite sensitive to THC and do not need a high %-age to get the relief you need then this can quite easily become a 31/2 to 4 star product for you... Just not for me... Sorry Barbara... I had such high hopes.. I am still looking for reasons to give it more than a 2 1/2 star rating, but I just can't. If I suffered from insomnia then sure, but like I said I don't so 2 1/2 it remains for me.

White Widow

Good flavour, burns for a long time! If I could have given a half a star I would have given it 4 1/2 stars but the ONLY thing holding it back from a full 5 stars is the fact that it is a bit rough on the throat causing me to cough a bit more than I would like. I know that coughing is a bit to be expected on many strains, but this one makes me do it just a bit more than .. I don't know... "Average" I suppose, if that makes any sense at all??? The buds are nice and dry without being stale when I received it. I was thinking of this one for about 3 weeks or so before I decided to bite the bullet and try and see what all the hype is about this strain. I must say that I was not disappointed, but I am not overly thrilled either. Don't get me wrong, it does the job well, but there is a few other strains that I like just a smidge more, like the Super Lemon Haze! I love the fact that there is an actual lemon flavour to it! So I think I will be mixing a SMALL amount to this to make the taste a bit more... Not better, but a bit more refreshing if you get my point. After 1 bowl, you DO feel it hit you, that is for sure, also you get a little... "Tingly" in the extremities which is a nice thing, especially if you have someone to help amplify that tingly feeling ;) The effects last for a good hour and a half to 2 hours but when the drop off starts, it goes like a stone! Fortunately, it really does not take much more than 3 or 4 drags from my Vape to get it back again, so topping up is quick and easy even if the drop off from the head-high is almost complete! So that being said, this strain will not make you hear things or see things or anything radical, but you will be more open and talkative and prone to just plain laughing your ass of at things that are normally not that funny! I like this strain alot, but the price is a bit steep. I get the sliding scale with Tilray in that the higher the THC the more the $ per gram. but once the compassionate pricing kicks in (IF it ever really will) then that will make it easier to order it again. Would I order it again? Yeah, but not for some time yet. There are other strains I want to try first. I have ordered Blueberry and Master Kush so we'll see what happens there. but long story short, 4 1/2 stars. I am sure it will be a 5 after I add a very small touch of Super Lemon Haze for that refreshing flavour I was talking about earlier! Oh yeah and before I forget... You WILL get the hunger cravings!! So have the fridge and/or pantry stocked!! Oh and one last thing I forgot to mentioon.... This will help you if you have any sleep issues! If you have been having restless nights and have been waking up alot during the night, this WILL knock you out and keep you out for hours! I took 2 bowls of this in my DaVinci Vape and even though it takes a little bit to get you feeling tired, once you pass out...... YOU ARE OUT!!! I passed out at 2 AM and was out cold till 11:30 AM! Doesn't sound like much, but with chronic pain, several kids and 3 days of interrupted sleep in a row and I must say that this did the trick nicely!! I woke up feeling pretty good for a change and it did not linger for hours like a hangover does. I will be ordering this again and keeping it in a mason jar to be used for nighttime use for the pain and sleep issues!

Super Lemon Haze

This is a really nice strain. I was on the fence for a long time before I decided to try this one, but I really am glad that I did. Not only did it help with some of the pain, but it was actually a really nice tasting strain and for once, I can actually taste the flavour that the name implies or that is advertised! Right off the bat the smell is citrus dominant with the lemon standing out very prominently! Actually, as I keep smelling it now, it reminds me of a pitcher of lemonade or a strong smelling lemon iced tea, or iced tea drink powder mix. Quite addictive (For me anyways!) The vape makes it taste real nice and the buds are covered in these orange hairs! They also gave me this one bud that is massive! It extends from almost one side of the container to the other! I do not know if that is a good thing or not. I am wondering if smaller buds are better than large or massive buds. The effects are pleasant. I felt it hit me relatively hard, but in a good way, not in a stupid embarrass myself by yakking too much or laughing at nothing like a fool. I usually get the Indicas or Hybrids but this Sativa is actually quite nice and I don't get the sleepiness after about a couple hours, so for me that is a thing to get used to. I usually medicate at night when the kids are all in bed so Sativas are not my main choice, but this is one I will be getting again when the time comes. The effects lasted for me about 2 hours to 2 1/2 Hrs. on 2 bowls. My only fear is that I will go through this one a bit too fast! But the smell alone just reminds me of a summer day and a big pitcher of iced tea or lemonade!


I'm a newbie to the world of Cannabis. This weed gave me an extremely euphoric, laugh my ass of high, but at a cost. I would either cough like hell, sneeze like it was allergy season or have my nose get that searing feeling like when you eat a bit too much horseradish or that real strong mustard and would drive me NUTS!!! However that being said, this high felt like several people were massaging me with mini electric hand massagers! Very, Very intense Tingly feeling on "ALL" *ahem* AND I DO MEAN "ALL" extremities (In a really GOOD way!) When I got up and started walking around, the vibration feeling and the head-high kicked in overdrive! As for pain relief I did notice that the pain in my feet and knees were less noticeable, and the pain in my back was still there but was more manageable. It was nice to not be always thinking about the pain in my back for a few hours! I also noticed that I could eat ice cream and my teeth would not be in pain from the freezing cold temps. So I was able to eat more ice cream... (Although I am not seeing the benefit of that..... Hmmm...) Anywhoo... Once I laid back down, (After eating a 1/2 tub of Ice cream..... Aww SHARRRAAP! Like YOU never did it too! :-Þ) I just let the euphoric part of the high take over and a few times I would laugh my ass off ! The effects lasted about 2 hours or 2 1/2 hours for me. You may have a different reaction or duration depending on how much you take. I was like this after 2 bowls. (Chem Dawg, Not Ice cream..) If you are a new to this like me, stop after 1 bowl. (O.K Both the Chem Dawg AND the Ice Cream on this one!) Trust me. I would definitely have a friend, spouse (like I did) around when doing this strain for the first time, especially if you are anxiety, and panic prone. but all in all, just let the high come through and over you, and baby, what a high it is! Just remember... YOU WILL COUGH... And tingle :) and even sneeze like it was allergy season! OH OH!! And the Horseradish fumes up the nose thingy! Don't forget the horseradish fumes thing!!