
member since 2016

Recent Reviews20 total

Critical Mass

It's hard to feel upset under the influence of this strain. Your thoughts wander with the high, and though I've felt agitated and easily triggered all day, thinking about the stuff that's been bothering me doesn't faze me at all right now. I just want to lie in bed and think, or try to read. I'm not super sleepy, but I don't want to go anywhere. I think the only thing that would make me unhappy right now is if someone asked me to to anything. I feel good and I just want to chill. The body high is tingly, very nice and subtle, not as heavy-hitting as those indicas that leave you unable to properly feel your limbs. I can see it being one of those where I could smoke too much and not be overwhelmed with anxiety because feeling amped up would be too much trouble. This is a good choice for people who struggle with regulating their emotions.

Tillamook Strawberry

This is the only strain I can smoke and be 100% certain things will get done. I smoke other strains for pre-chore energy--like Alpha Blue or Stella Blue--but they don't come with a guarantee I'll stay on task. Tillamook Strawberry is FOCUSED. I can smoke a couple of hours before work, and even if I haven't totally sobered up, I know I'm cool. I look and act sober and am actually capable of thinking clearly despite often still being comfortably high. It's terrific. It's sativa-heavy, and it can trigger the sativa-induced anxiety I'm prone to, but the one time it happened to any significant degree, it wasn't paralyzing. I felt a little miserable but still totally mellow, and combatted it by tackling chores. In a few minutes I was in a great mood and I got a ton of stuff done. Did I mention it's focused? If you're concentrating on things, you feel mostly sober, but with a lovely, gentle body high. If you chill and let yourself go, your mind will drift into bliss. I can't recommend it enough.

Walter White

This stuff is very mellow. I don't know that I'd smoke it first thing in the morning, but it's got enough go that it would be a good afternoon weed. Not a kickstarter--personally I wouldn't do it before any job I HAD to get done, but I would totally take a hit or two while I was in the middle of a task and feel confident it would energize rather than derail me. Mildly spacey, relaxing, and clear-headed enough to let you do life. Great for writing. Definitely loving it.


This is a wonderful strain. I was using it to quell anxiety back after the election. Now I'm trying it for pain; I have abdominal scar tissue from radiation treatment that has been hurting. It doesn't kill the pain as well as a Percocet, but it comes close and leaves me chill rather than edgy. My thoughts can drift when I'm on my own, but my girlfriend can get helpful input out of me despite how much I smoked. I also highly recommend adding some Harle-Tsu to any strains prone to make you anxious--it will take the edge off without really altering the head high. All in all, it's a great weed to have in our arsenal. I don't smoke it every day (in fact I was sitting on an 8th for a couple of months), but when I need it, I'm glad it's around.


Maybe not a staple, but definitely a favorite. Super chill. Tamped down my anxiety and quashed my depression. I was feeling kind of lousy, and Sharksbreath made it so much better. I remain mentally and verbally articulate, gentle body high, kinda munchie. This stuff isn't flashy, so sometimes I'm a little bowled over by how wonderful it is. Definitely recommend.

Platinum Kush

This strain is chill as fuck. A first date smoked us out with this stuff (we went right from awkward jitters to comfortable getting-to-know-you) and my girlfriend and I were searching Leafly for it the minute we got home. Relaxed, mellow, and not too sleepy. Cerebral, but thoughts are calm. Just want to read and talk. I was already hungry, so I don't know if it gives me the munchies. Highly recommended.


Very chill, makes me feel centered. Cerebral, but my thoughts feel relaxed rather than full of the rapid edginess some sativas evoke in me. I'm a little sleepy, but that might be because I was up at 4:30. Wouldn't choose it as a go-to sativa, and it won't become one of our staples, but I definitely like it. I read other reviews saying it can cause anxiety. I haven't had that issue, and I'm prone to it with sativas, but if you are, too, maybe hit and sit is the way to go--you might find it really pleasant in low doses or mixed in with an indica.

Orange Haze

Gentle, clear-headed high. Allows you to focus and get all kinds of things done, you can interact with normal people even when you're blazed as fuck, but it's super chill, too, and lets you just kind of be. A great sativa for people that sativas make anxious.

Lemon Walker OG

Now this stuff...this stuff is the writer's strain. It combines a pleasant, subtle body high with potent thoughts that hit with speed and focus. You can easily stay on task, even as all the other possibilities are arrayed in front of you, there for you to pluck from as you choose. And when you tell yourself the story, whatever that story is, you do it with eloquence, depth, and grace. Smoke some, sit down, put pen to paper, and see what happens.


Pleasant strain, but a little is all you need, and I learned that the hard way. Had my girlfriend roll the majority of it into some mixed joints to give away because I was ambivalent the first few times I smoked it, and saved a small nug to give it one last go for writing my review. With one bong hit, I feel very centered, quiet inside, my thoughts are clear but also capricious, warm, tingly body high. What I lack is focus, but I'm not so high I can't put my mind to something and take care of it once I'm there, all the while feeling very mellow. That said, this was recommended to me by a budtender because they were out of Bruce Banner, and it's nothing like that. BB's focus lets me avoid anxiety for the most part if I get a little too high. Mst gives me bad anxiety attacks with too many bong rips, and I know now that's why I was so ambivalent about it each time I smoked it before--it's easy to go overboard. If you never experience anxiety with certain strains, you might really like this, but it's not for me. It's stony enough that adding a more chilling weed to calm things down if I overdid it (like Girl Scout Cookies) would probably just make me sleepy. But I would never discourage another person from trying it.