
member since 2015

Recent Reviews1 total

Island Sweet Skunk

I was a non-believer. I figured all of this talk about different strains for different issues was total BS, just another excuse to get high. Until I had the Sweet Isle Skunk. I am a 52 year old private equity professional on Wall Street, suffering from extreme neurological pain in my feet and legs. Nobody can figure it out, been to a half dozen specialists. My high-end concierge MD, finally gave up on all the terrible things we were trying (like real narcotics) and said we should try the cheeba. I have been trying different strains, and sure when I am on them my legs don't bother me. But I can't get anything done. Until Sweet Island. I did some in a pre-filled vape pen yesterday and it was like I was in this perfect zone of pain relief and great motivation. I am writing all of this so that if you are like me, initially a huge skeptic, maybe I can save you some time. Stop thinking about this subject in the way it has been force fed to you. Use your head, try it out, tell a friend. We all know people who would be better off with this plant if they could just get over themselves. I did.