
member since 2018

Recent Reviews1 total


In my opinion, this is one of the greatest strains of cannabis, period. I discovered, smoked, and got it many years ago. I had been looking for it ever since. 5+ years later I found the my 'holy grail of cannabis' that is CHOCOLOPE, and now, I never want lose it ever again. To begin, this purebred sativa has a silent but deadly effect to me, the smell and taste of it do reflect a chocolate/wooden/vanilla'y profile, but are admittedly underwhelming when compared to the super loud strains. Because of it's lineage, it has that profile of flavor and smell that you don't commonly see as often in the era of contemporary trend strains like your OGs, Sour Ds, GSCs, Blue Dreams, etc. However, this strain I don't have because of the flavor or the smell, this is one badass sativa! It has an incredibly pleasant exhale, tasting notes of the coco/woods/vanilla when passing through the mouth and nostrils, immediately the happy cerebral stone steadily welcomes itself gratefully in your head as you puff on the 'Lope. Elementally, this strain embodies this Earthy property (not smell, just purely esoterically speaking, you'll know what I mean when you smoke it). Bringing me right into a delightful, uplifted, smiling squinty stoney feeling, it's relaxing to the max, creativity-inducing, depression-killing, laughter emoting and energetic effect. You can feel this energy in the back of your knees, so it's oddly quite relaxing and also happily uplifting with regard to energy, it's a beautiful feeling. I feel confident and capable of whatever I set my mind to. It's not de-motivating, it's re-motivating (to me), so it's really this magical alchemy that this strain holds within it. Chocolope is the result of Chocolope's parent strains, of which is Chocolate Thai and Cannalope Haze, so you get that really groovy, what in my mind I would categorize as the perfect afternoon cannabis sunshine Haze/Thai stoned feeling. Upon inhale, it gives this beautifully euphoric happy and relaxing yet energetic, mellow and almost proto-psychedelic cerebral blast every time I smoked it. If you consider yourself someone who honestly loves sativas, you NEED to find some Chocolope. This strain is a unique throwback to a trend of cannabis in the 1980s where these chocolate strains became popularized and smoked among heads. I can picture smoking this stuff at some Grateful Dead show in 1987 like at Alpine Valley or Red Rocks or something. When you smoke this kind stuff , the effects are where you actually almost begin to feel as if you are at that '87 Alpine Valley 'Dead show. Or it feels like this is what pot is supposed to be, IMHO of course. Which as mentioned, much of the sensory and beautiful effects of this strain comes from the obscurely odd lineage of the Chocolate Thai/Cannalope Haze combo. It's just so pleasant and probably my top 3 favorite of all time, if not favorite sativa currently. It just works every time people! After spending some more time with Chocolope again, I realize that I really like the taste profile, it's just not so common that I don't think many people like it or are given the chance to like it as much as I believe they should, but I'm all in with every aspect of the strain. And especially when you know the effects that it creates, how can you not like it? That's why I believe us contemporary stoners need to continue to carry the chocolate-strain Thai/Haze tradition onward and let the almighty Chocolope be a strain that takes everyone who enjoys it's amazing effects into a proverbially sunshiney future. I say that because even as I type right now, it's this ridiculously pleasant smiling cerebral stone, I'm teeth smiling as I write, I'm about to go take a walk and then after that Im going to work on some writing and music; it awakens within me a powerful sense of creativity, of thinking outside of the box, laughing and delighted by life, add to that the heady pre-psychedelic contentment with the universe, a happily relaxing but also potentially energetic or uplifted stoney groove. How can anyone argue with that? In fact, and this is real, I applied to go back to college and I'm finally excited to pursue something in my life that might be extremely fulfilling and spirit-feeding for me after a tumultuous last few years, and to have a strain that doesn't debilitate or couch-lock but rather motivates and brings a sense of drive and ambition. That's really incredible, and Im grateful for that. Yet! I also know the Chocolope is certainly not THE end-all-be-all reason these positive productive things are happening, but it definitely hasn't hurt any up to this point. And Ill be mindful of those things. I honestly had been searching for this strain since I had first tried it about 5 or 6 years ago, and when I did it blew me away. Which I noted the name because it really affected me in a way that felt as though it was my first time smoking, every single time. Anyway, so after I first had it, I loved it so much that inevitably it got all smoked up and I couldn't find it anywhere after that for quite some time. For some reason it's not as popular in the states anymore as it was a few years back (at least in my area in the upper Midwest, I'm sure it has been around in the legal states as one would imagine). So when I found it last month, I was so excited that I got my fair share to have and to hold and to forever cherish in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer... I eloped and married the Chocolope! /jk I'm rambling on here I realize but that's okay, I want to ramble as much as necessary to present the case that I am totally biased about loving this understated yet wildly potent, wonderful smelling and uniquely flavorful strain here in the age of what are often some of the same old predictable trend-strains. As stated before, I truly feel EVERY fan of Cannabis in general, and particularly that of sativas, YouMUST try Chocolope, you NEED to! It's just the best; find it, request your vendor carry it, and smoke it. The dosing can be varied with effects varying too, one toke gets you good, two to four get you great, and five and you're grand. The only negatives would be some dry mouth (so just have some water near you) and there's also this potential "too-stoned and thus sleepy or needing to pass out"-effect if you just smoke a ton of it, but otherwise a few puffs of Choco and you'll be set for a blessing filled day of bountiful happiness and joy. This stuff can creep to an extent, but is also surprisingly fast acting and absolutely effective when combating depression/anxiety, stress, fatigue, anger, nausea and more. I'd also say it's effects are relatively long lasting too. Feeling the effects for a few hours at least. In the end, when it comes to the Chocolope, I love the taste and smell, I love the way it looks, that Thai/Haze lineage will treat you sativa-lovers very very kindly. he come up and the peak to plateau and the "come down" feeling (though there isn't much of one aside from just surfing the wave on the way as it crests) and it all is just perfect and incredibly valued so much by me. I I feel like I can conquer the world when I enjoy Chocolope. This is pure, potent, sativa medicine ladies and gentlemen! Get/Request CHOCOLOPE Today!