
member since 2017

Recent Reviews1 total

Blue Dream

Having never smoked in my life, I was just opting for whatever friends had when I got sick. I just wanted to feel well, and nothing worked like weed did. Then I started chemotherapy, and I needed something to seriously knock me out of my depression, and help me stop hugging the toilet like a crazy chick trying to keep her boyfriend from leaving her. Blue Dream made it's appearance, and suddenly chemotherapy wasn't so horrific anymore. Nausea relief without wanting to eat everything in sight? Yup. I could eat, but I didn't have that insane munchies situation other strains gave me. Pain? Dulled to a point where it was hardly noticeable. The relief was nearly instant (vaping), and I actually had a friend who helped me up into my apartment, packed my vape, and helped me smoke, while I was too weak to leave the bathroom. (Literally had to be carried.) Get relief, feel content, then drift off into sleep if you choose to. You can smoke enough to feel high, but it's a really peaceful high. It doesn't hit you and couch lock you like other strains tend to do. By far my favorite strain for helping with my chronic illnesses.