High Quality
Quality: I have lived in corvallis most my life and saw all the dispensaries pop up over night, this one stood out. While some dispensaries have average to good bud this one, during my visit had amazing cannabis. Price wise it showed but quality was top notch my rating 8.75/10 simply because there is A. always better bud and B. I cant make this big of a judgement based on sights and smells. Service: Very friendly staff! Holy cow these people are def Oregonians! Very quick, but very helpful and nice. Bud tendors, the one I spoke with new his stuff. He went over terpene profiles, thc content, and hooked me up with some awesome swag, such as stickers and a dank Leafly poster. Atmosphere: Heres where this placed shined! I felt like I was at a day spa or checking into a fine hotel. The atmosphere is calm and peaceful, you can almost take a nap. Tea and refreshments are insight, mood lighting. All out experience was very nice. Check this place out!