
member since 2017

Recent Reviews2 total

Green Cross Cannabis Emporium - South

Probably the nicest looking shop I have ever been in, reminds me of a growler bar. Super friendly budtenders spent alot of time helping this picky customer. Very good oil and edibles selection. Tons of flower selection, with good pricing, although as a top shelf person I would like to see more quality indoor strains. Although they did have doghouse which is a favorite of mine! Holy glass batman, this place has more smoking equipment than most headshops, with good prices, love the carb cap selection. got some 35$ grams of select strains, and some SFV, time to get lit.

OG Collective Dispensary - Commercial

Throwback style shop for sure, reminds me of the old med days with the check in room. Cool ass budtenders. not alot of selection, but decent prices on what they do have. not really stand out, but if your in the area, you might see what they got. Not as much selection as PDX shops though.