member since 2019Recent Reviews2 total
Windy City Cannabis - Homewood
This was my first Illinois dispensary. Compared to my new dispensary, WCC is more expensive, less customer service oriented, and had less (almost none, in fact) paraphernalia for sale. I don’t expect fine glasswear, but a few basic chillums would be nice. I do feel that the employees here put forth more effort to “educate” me, but when an employee tried to invoke aroma therapy in a conversation re: the efficacy of terpenes ... [ahem] Aroma therapy is a pseudo-science at best and in actuality probably boils down to placebo fishing. If the cannabis industry continues to align itself with snake-oil then they’re going to have a tough time in the future. [end rant]. They don’t seem to be able to keep their online menu straight and up to date. At time of review most cartridges listed under concentrates, but there’s still some cartridges listed under “cartridges”. To further confuse issues they don’t seem to be able to get cartridge sizes listed properly. Sure, I can imagine a worse experience, but having been to 4 dispensaries total (2 in state, 2 out of state) this is the worse one.