
member since 2015

Recent Reviews5 total

Tequila Lime Sunrise

Puffed some frosty sweet tarts candied buds, mouth puckering like a sour patch On the nose Candy, tastier exhale taste similar to tropical starburst fruit chews. I loved this sativa so much, I ReUped 48hrs for that tart terpene super sativa sweet weed- Go Get some perky chatty relaxed candy cannabis cocktail sans tequila, rip some Tequila Like Sunrise. Nice nose, stellar flavor/strain profile, no anxious jitters, just witty banter, grinning. I give - this herb a 6.7 on the super stoked sativa SICKter scale.

Mitten Cake

Thick rich gas and earth flavor notes, and a rich smooth smoke, It’s an excellent unwind after dinner indica. Beware of taking too many long tokes, it can lead into a freefall into a level 5 couch lock from gettin after letting your lips hit the mitten cake. It’s a majestic couch lock for sure, and It’s a nice end of the day counterbalance, if you want lights out it as a good night Strain. For me it is a great srrain after a difficult frustrating day at work, if only I could stay awake to watch the movie of the night, without Lucid dreaming on my couch. “Mitten cake is great, if you don’t want to stay up late” should be it’s slogan.

Dog Park #5

Super Smooth. organic Earthy flavor tones, and a aroma smoke. It’s a nice one to burn down with a homie and cruise on a midnight low key mission. I love the Chet dawg/Dogwalker like flavor, Creamy silky smooth it smoke great organic flavor note with every toke. Me and my homie smoked a joint of dog park in our local dog park late night,. DP5 is an ideal flower to mentally and physically unwind, and feel just fine. unpack your mind and go get high on DP5, While late night lurking at your local dog park.


Tingly tart piney terpenes, a sweet sativa citrus flavor, and indica finish. It’s a nice slow smooth ride, after initial Fuzzy fun tickle brain sets in, then it’s rocket high that comes on with Quickness, and giddy creatively energy takes hold. It feels both the sativa sharp uptick in energy, while also loving a cozy muscle melt, from the alien indica phenotype, but not to much of a sedative body buzz. A-Dub is an A-plus strain, now in my top 3 favorite hybrid category among the trifecta of faves with Chembow, Mt. Hood Magic, and Grape Valley Kush.

Urban Farmacy

Great customer service, knowledgeable staff, exceptional quality and value.