Raspberry Cough
I gave t his 4 stars, because It is a Great strain and Ithink the one I got could have been grown better. But the overall experience was Good. Pain relief was great but in larger doses. I found that it is kinda short lived. Maybe 2-2.5 hours of pain relief. The high lasts a bit longer than the pain relief. By the time I felt like medicating again for the pain, I was still lightly buzzing.. Really great High though. It's uplifting and cheerful. Kinda Goofy and silly to smoke with this. Had me doing goofy things, saying things without thinking.Doing things without thinking. Thinking out loud. I kinda felt it dumbed me down a bit. I wouldnt smoke this if you have to go to court or a Job interview. But if you want to enjoy your day and still be focused and functional....not couch locked this is great. Great wakenbake and midday medication. Uppity and cheerful are always a good thing to be.