
member since 2019

Recent Reviews4 total

Jack 47

The strain itself is amazing. However, in the hands of VIREO- its Total Garbage. They made a magnificent flower into what I've dubbed Rabbit Food/Catnip. They're making Jack look bad, this product is not suitable for consumption. I wouldn't give it to the bunnies living in my front lawn. Stay clear of all Vireo Flower if you care about your health- Robert Finchley

Piff Kings - Do Not Reactivate (Illegal service)

Ik many are waiting for our orders from PKs. Be patient, this is an experiment & we're the rats, so be cool & things will work out. Snapping at them doesn't help, in fact they prolly dont even want to deal with us high strung NYers to begin with so play it cool. Believe me when I say I Need herb to function, but even if can see we're being tested

Vireo Health of New York Queens

DO NOT BUY VIREO FLOWER, EVER. It is not cannabis as you know it. VIREO is made up of greedy people who don't take the time to prepare an acceptable product. Absolute garbage, & trying to talk to them about their messed up medicine isn't an option bc nobody answers the phone or returns VMs. The only good thing this company has going for it is delivery service, but they just made that 3Xs as hard as it was or needs to be so you tell me whats left to be wrong. $130 for a 1ml vape that costs less than $2 to produce, seriously? This what you get when greedy Dr's open a cannabis business- ripped off, still ill bc I bought flower from them thinking it was thc containing cannabis, but it resembles industrial grade hemp or catnip. & I'm here in pain unable to go somewhere else bc Vireo got my $. Remember this you shysters, folks will be growing our own flower soon & your shit company will fall to the wayside & i say good. You are fleecing the people & what goes around comes around. The Greedy become the Needy & i hope you folks never feel like I do bc you'll want to die. Unbelievable this is where my complaint will be heard, if they allow it to post

Sour Diesel

This flower is as advertised, either you dig it or you don't. It can be a bit much for those prone to anxiety when using cannabis. I use cbd to combat any negative effects, while getting all the medicinal & euphoric results expected from this diesel power house. That pun just fell out