
member since 2020

Recent Reviews2 total

Ethos Dispensary - Hazleton

I had the most horrible day yesterday. I had to put my beautiful fur baby Moxie to sleep after six amazing years as her bestfriend. My heart is shattered and I needed some relief from my anxiety so I placed an order. I was so drained and mentally worn down by the time I got to the store I could hardly think straight but I was greeted with so much kindness as usual. The most amazing experience I've ever had with any human was when I got to the back to get my order. You know those moments of weakness when someone asks you how you're doing and you just fall apart? Yeah. That happened. I fell apart. I cried and I was given hugs and so many beautiful words of love and support over my loss and reminded that I made the best choice I could for my hurting baby girl. I miss her so much. My house is no longer home. It just feels empty. Tova and the other staff member who hugged me and comforted me when I needed it, thank you. You have no idea how much your love meant to me.

Pink Kush

This strain is amazing. Smoked it out of my ice bong and it hits so smooth. Couple decent coughs after a few hits but it instantly gives you this sense of relaxation and mellow and after just a few minutes you're as high as can be. It helps a lot to relieve you of any stress you may be going through. Definitely needed this one. Love it.