JARS Cannabis - North Phoenix (Med/Rec)
If your sick these people here have no clue about any sickness or the wellness at all just about the money they make. I Jarrad Burke runs the Epilepsy Foundation of Arizona and we are no longer going to be buying from Debbies. Over 250 plus people here in the valley wont be going to Debbies any more. Zero patient care at all if your sick and they are running a deal and ask if they could hold on to that deal for you bc your sick they wont. Other places do that for the really sick people and those dispensaries are the ones we will go to. If you cant hold on to an order for one day you guys have zero patient care. So in the end you will end up losing people bc of the poor patient care. I guess if your looking for bumb to buy your 16.9 % medical pot for 300 an oz is really insane. So when your running a deal remember that there people that have issues that cant run up to your shop and get that deal at that moment. You guys should make a special folder for your really ill patients like other places do that shows concern for your patients. Something smart to do for ill patients. But Im done and so is a lot of my fellow members I told every one in my speech last night of this issues and they weren't happy at all and we wont be back.