The big 3: top notch flower, concentrates hit hard, and the edibles are excellent. A special shout out to Highern Chef because those trich bites are better than any other edible I've had in the valley.
Best dispensary in the valley. I highly recommend getting the sampler because you can't go wrong with the quality. In the pines for sativa and are 88 bubba indica would be my top picks.
First time I've felt compelled to write a strain review, and this pre 98 Bubba is why. Best Indica I've ever encountered in my life. Felt proud to see this quality in AZ.
The only dispensary I've been to to actually have deli style instead of just advertising it. Highly recommended. Green Candy was the best sativa I've found in the west valley.
One of my favorites. This place has it all, and I don't care where you are in the valley but Sun City has the lowest tax rates besides the rez. Go stock up...