Make no mistake, CBD dominant strains ARE psychoactive. You may or may not like the high, but if you inhale enough (more than one hit) there is a high. I experience highs like notes in a symphony; a constant buzz of low, middle and high notes. Harle-Tsu is all the violins in an orchestra playing their highest screeching notes at the same time. As advertised, Harle-Tsu is good (excellent) for pain, but the nature of the mental high isn't enjoyable enough for me to want to use it. I have vaped isopropyl extracted oil in a cartridge pen (dàmà) made from the CBD dominant ACDC strain, and it was a much more mellower, pleasant, and not even remotely annoying experience. I do look forward to mixing some of this Harle with the dankest indica I can get my hands on. That might be interesting.