
member since 2015

Recent Reviews7 total

Kaleafa Cannabis Weed Dispensary Beaverton

We've been going to Kaleafa Beaverton once a week since the first day they opened shop, before that we used to go to their Portland Woodstock location. We love that they always have a huge selection to choose from, very affordable prices, and the rewards program keeps us coming back! The staff are very nice and if you have a problem or questions Egor and the others will help you in any way they can. I always recommend Kaleafa to my friends and family. Keep up the great work you guys! To see some photos of the products I've purchased there check out my Instagram "Sativadream" :)

Black Widow

Has easily landed into my top 3 favorite Indica strains. Our batch smells like Sweet Blackberries. 25% Thc. Great relaxing high.

Portland Extracts

Honestly we are very disappointed. We traveled 25 minutes to pick up flower and oil from Portland Extracts only to find out they were closing 4 hours early at 5pm without any notice on their website. We arrived at 5:02 hoping to buy christmas bud gifts for our friends and planned on spending well over $100 on oil and flower. We knocked on the glass because we could see 2-3 employees inside and only one guy looked over, smiled and mouthed "we're closed" then looked away instantly. They didn't come to the door to explain why they were closed 4 hours early. What is especially frustrating is we called at around 3pm to ask some questions and they did not mention they would be closing early. We drove down to a different dispencary and spent over $150 somewhere else. Their loss I suppose. We won't be back. This was a Dec. 26 visit so Christmas was not a factor.

Shango Harold

Honestly it's kind of frustrating that they have a "shatterday" deal but the last 2 Saturdays we went in at around 11am and they were sold out of shatter.. So today is Friday and we called tonight to make sure they had Shatter in stock for tomorrow and the guy says "Yeah but we only have one kind of shatter and not much left so you'll want to get here really early." This is annoying because Shango is new for us and we have enjoyed their blue dream wax. But if they aren't going to stock up for their special daily deal, what is the point in us driving 20 minutes to come out just to have to settle for something else? Why have an advertised deal if you aren't even going to stock up for it? We were driving past at least 10 dispensaries to come to Shango because we liked the product. Unfortunately I think we will have to take our business elsewhere tomorrow since they aren't well stocked and too far for us. On a positive note the staff have been super friendly everytime we've gone in and the product has been good. I hope they get this figured out soon or make it a priority?

Main Street Marijuana - Vancouver

Take it from me, they do not care about the quality of the products they sell and the prices have apparently nothing to do with quality?? I ordered an eigth of Alice in Wonderland flower from CannaSol Farms at Main street for $40+ expecting the quality of the flower to match the price. WRONG! Of 150+ strains over the last 2 years that I've had, this was the DRYEST weed I have ever purchased. Dryer than outdoor stuff. I got this as a gift for my girlfriend because Alice in Wonderland is her favorite movie. It is so dry it crumbles in your hand like dead crispy leaves. No grinder required...? This is a joke.

La Mota Southeast Portland

I had previously given them a five star rating. I must downgrade this. There prices for their top shelf weed is so overpriced now. When I started going originally their top shelf bud was about $75 a quarter. Now they are more and more pricing their top shelf bud at $90-$100 a quarter. That is before sales tax.. I'm NOT paying $125 for a quarter of top shelf bud.. I will be going elsewhere until they lower the prices on their top shelf stuff. There are far too many price points on their menu.


My only complaint is their lack of updating the menu. I drove 35 minutes to get to this location to get 2 of my favorite strands that they had very high THC percentages of. Unfortunately my top 4 or 5 choices were sold out or almost out and reserved for card patients. Online it said the menu had just been updated, yet they did not take down high THC strands that they were out of. Aside from that, the quality of their flower is very good and the other positive reviews are what drove me in. I will be coming back, but will probably call ahead and ask what they have on hand instead of trusting that the menu is updated.. Kind of takes away the point of having a menu at all though.