
member since 2015

Recent Reviews15 total

Big Bang

2.5/5 Won't be ordering is again. Ended up mixxing it with bubble hash to just enjoy it. Couldnt really sleep on it and felt more tiresome in muscles after a big smoke.

Blueberry Kush

4.35/5 I hadn't smoked an Indica for a while as I tend to smoke during the day / when I'm doing some activity, however after driving for 2500km over the course of the week this is exactly what I needed. Me and a mate took the time to personally stretch out our aches n pains and we then decided to use these ear wax candle things while listening to some psychedelic, trance and relaxing music. Was a great night and woke up the next day after a huge slumber. While this strain could definitely be used to pass the fuck out after a hard day I enjoyed how open and punctual It made me about my thoughts / opinions, with an increased diction and ability to communicate effectively about ideas that would normally seem quite abstract. Anyways a great strain for night time relaxation / sleep, for those epic music sessions, to get in touch with you body/core/spirit or for relaxing activities like swimming etc. Can't wait to smoke the rest of this, smells from across the room btw and up close is almost... skunky? Hard to pick actually. Remember to take every review with pinch of salt! #StayTuned #CGMurray

Liberty Haze

4.65 / 5 Great bloody strain. Ordered 7g of this having heard it's success in 2011 high times competition. anyways it lives up to all the hype. great cerebal high that comes on softly but with great final intensity. One time i fell asleep after falling asleep to this fucking awesome soundtrack of Bladerunner. you will trip balls. highly reccomend. (my fav is the indian musical instrument used in this sci fi part of the track... very trippy time travel shit. closed my eyes and reflected hard. from 6mins on I think that part is). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a6qUTSZ5Zmk anyways apart from melting to this music and having a complete tour of my soul and the universe bahahaha, I've also had it on a beautiful sunny day listening to the water fountain in the big lake and the birds chirping. very good for tranquil settings too. now gonna have a game or perhaps watch some old 007 movies. peace out. Is it the dopest dope i ever smoked? well its definitely top 3 worthy. I think it's in between Jack Herer and White Super Skunk in terms of the head high effects you get (one being skunk the other being a satvia haze) which makes it highly enjoyable and diverse in its application. Also edit: Yukon Blonde - Choices another great (but uplifting) song. Remember to take every review with pinch of salt! #StayTuned #CGMurray

Fruit Spirit

Giving it flat 4/5 for its body relaxing effects mainly and its ability to numb my brain and think less (a welcome change once in a while). would only reccomend for relaxing high and would definetly have again before going for a massage... really highlights your bodies aches n pains while amplifying stretches and rubs within localized area of pain. would literally have me being putty to a masuse i reckon! remember to take every review with a pinch of salt #staytuned #CGMurray

Amnesia Haze

4.5/5 Smells delicious with notes of tea tree and sweet undertones + a hint of lavender in the mix too. Nice pale green leaves with plenty of fuzz and white specs. Crumbled very nicely in my tumbler. PPPPOOOFFFFt this shiz nizz is great. Nice warm body high with tingly sensations in the ears(?) and an awake brain activity. Very happy and relaxed and listening to back ground noises. Churr Remember to take this review with a pinch of salt, every reviews subjective! #StayTuned #CGM


2.5 / 5 Meh. Was okay nothin special. Remember to take every review with pinch of salt! #StayTuned #CGMurray EDIT: See my review on Blueberry Kush... way fucking better than this strain xoxo

Banana OG

3.75 / 5 Cleared two massive bong hits on this mellow high hitting strain. Was delicious tasting, resembling hints from the pungent smell of bananas and pineapple (tropical fruit) previously smelt. Overall I was very tired before hitting this delightful bud and after a good meal was so relaxed sitting on a sofa watching everyone time passed super slow yet fast (if that makes sense). Everyone had to ask me something twice as I was always off in the distance. For that anti social effect I'm rating it down a bit as I kinda lost control which is agreeable only when creative or thought provoking. Anyways would try again and listen to music but not for social events. Remember to take this review with a pinch of salt, every reviews subjective! #StayTuned #CGM

Super Skunk

4.75 / 5 WHITE SUPER SKUNK, boy what a strain. Had this in a variety of settings and places but enjoyed it whilst swimming in a pool. Massive head high and highly creative. Best enjoyed in safe / quiet environment (it's potentness can lead to some wtf/paranoid moments) where you can enjoy the ride and transition to shear 'epicness'. Definitely a head high and very strong one at that. I got this in Cortez, Colorado at a local dispensary... It was advertised as having 27.5% THC content. Not to shabby. Smells quite dank to be honest and rather hydroponic but rest assured this does not ruin the follow through taste nor effects. #1 favourite strain so far (slightly ahead of Jack Herer) and would definitely try again and / or recommend for others to light up! Remember to take this review with a pinch of salt, every reviews subjective! #StayTuned #CGM


3.5 / 5 Same as before re: Golden Goat strain. great strain for day time use. enjoyed its effects for most part other times i wished i had something stronger. Good strain if you have to be around others for the day as it is relaxing and non paranoia. Also made me go for longer energy wise. Would recommend again but honestly don't see what all the hype is about this strain... Acquired from The Medicine Man in Cortez, CO. Remember to take this review with a pinch of salt, every reviews subjective! #StayTuned #CGM

Diamond OG

3.5/5 Nothing bad with this strain although nothing amazing. Did make me rather talkative and social... ended up cooking a mean feast for flatmates with this #legend. So yeah great strain for sociability and active chores around the house :D Remember to take this review with a pinch of salt, every reviews subjective! #StayTuned #CGM