
member since 2021

Recent Reviews6 total


enjoyed the positive effects, mood uplift, focus... but gives me a massive headache every time, without fail. even when I mixed it with other strains that don't give me headaches. never again. only a couple strains do this to me and they're always hybrids that have carophyllene (the main terp in RS11 indicated by the red in the icon). no idea if that has anything to do with it, though.

Wedding Cake

accidentally bought this not realizing it was indica dominant. I have PTSD and ADHD, and for some reason I cannot do indicas. they always give me physical anxiety, as a sense of heavy doom that is sinking in the heart and chest. I have a high tolerance (I use sublingual tincture, vape, and smoke flower every day) so that feeling only crept in after smoking about half a preroll. so it seems like it might be safe for others who can handle indicas. but the worst part is it gives me a headache, every time, without fail. I get migraines and headaches so obviously never going to buy again.

Pipekeepers Dispensary

been going here for over a year and it's the best place around for flower. other places in the area are overpriced and inconsistent in my opinion. very reasonable prices here with lots of variety. staff is always friendly and helpful, I've even been given free gifts before! love them and I am glad to give business to our indigenous brothers and sisters đź’š

Carbon Fiber

My dispensary says this is 50/50 but I think it's very sativa dominant. it's unique but familiar. I don't feel hazy or foggy mentally when I smoke this, which is very important for me (I have ADHD and PTSD) and why it gets 5 stars from me. no anxiety or heart palpitations. no paranoia. It tastes so good (one of the best I've ever tasted) and burns very well even in a bowl. can't wait for more info about this unique yet classic-feeling stain!


Not a huge fan. had no other choice at the dispensary and got this. it definitely looks cool, smells great, tastes great.... but at first it gave me bad anxiety. I usually smoke more dominant sativa strains than this. I've gotten used to it thankfully. one thing I hate about this strain is I swear it only lasts an hour, then I need to take a few more hits. only need 1-3 hits or else it gives me anxiety and physical discomfort. went through 8 grams mostly by myself in 3 weeks which is a lot for me. my boyfriend won't even smoke it because it gives him too much anxiety. this is definitely good for relaxing at night but I'd never smoke it early in the day as I'd get nothing done. it also doesn't help with my severe nausea (IBS and chronic ulcer) as much as other strains.

Hippie Crippler

this is probably the best strain I've ever smoked. I stopped smoking weed in 2016 because it always made me anxious. I tried again this year since NY legalized it and some reservations in NY are allowed to sell it due to a privilege given to Native Americans (which is awesome!). this was one of the only strains left, my partner and I had never heard of it before. this stuff smells amazing and tastes great too. it makes me feel happy and comfortable and as if the world is less horrible. I really like how it doesn't make me feel "stoned", I can think clearly and feel more in tune with myself. thoughts and ideas come easier to me. I feel like I can get things done while on this strain, I don't feel debilitated on the couch. I have PTSD and ADHD and this strain actually helps both of them which I honestly never thought was possible. still need my real prescriptions for those but this weed is saving me from having to go on any more meds. we bought 3.5g over 2 weeks ago and still have a bit left which is insane. we have been smoking it almost every day. from the THC percentage you'd think it wouldn't be that strong but it is very strong without turning you into a rock. this strain is really a hidden gem and made me love weed instead of being scared of it like I used to be. I will say it has made it hard to sleep sometimes if I smoke it too close to bedtime so be aware of that.