
member since 2016

Recent Reviews3 total

White Sangria

Uplifting, euphoric high. Great for jumping into creative work that you've been procrastinating. Clear headed but very focused. I'd recommend this strain on days where the depression has really beaten you down... this pulls me right out of it and gets me excited about things again. Give this one a shot. Also Dark Plasma which is more of an inward/introspective version of this strain.

Dark Plasma

A nearly perfect high for me, tried this several times with consistent results. Many strains give me anxiety but this one pulls me right out of my moderate to severe depression without the anxiety. Also completely erased the headache I had going into it. A head heavy high, I'll find myself walking around my house talking out my problems with great clarity and perspective. A feeling of light euphoria in the gut which keeps me feeling good long after the come down. I occasionally light up to jolt myself out of the ruts I fall into. I'm a professional creative and this strain helps me analyze my mediums in ways that are almost out of reach when completely sober. The further I get into this strain the more comfortable I feel being in my own skin and I remember how beautiful life is (yes it's that sort of high :D ). You'll recognize this strain if you've ever had Death Star only this won't leave you entirely obliterated... Very easy to get up the next morning. Give this one a shot along with White Sangria!

Death Star

Definitely top 3 for me. Extremely potent with a nice slow ease into a heavy body high that lends itself nicely to those analytical highs- I can vape a little to spark creativity and stay focused or really go for it and get knocked on my ass for the rest of the night. I'll always have this stuff on hand!