
member since 2019

Recent Reviews6 total


I am a lightweight when it comes to smoking flower. One clearing of my one-hitter is usually the perfect amount for me for a couple of hours. These days, smoking a little bowl through a water bong is enough to toast me out, sometimes uncomfortably. That said, I really enjoyed Simply Herb's Londoncello buds. A single onie provides type and intensity of high I used to get back in HS and college about 25-30 years ago. Flower (which is all we really had unless you made cookies or brownies, etc.) was more enjoyable to me back then. But I'm admittedly a lightweight and not really a fan of today's "high potency" weed. I like to smoke a little flower and relax. Too easily with today's weed can my smoking a little too much ruin the experience with anxiety and paranoia for the first 20-30 minutes after smoking. For whatever reason, with this strain, I feel "perfect" after a one-hit. More specifically, I experience a calm-but-uplifting head high for about the first 20-30 mins, followed by an overall sense of well-being in body and mind for about 60-90 mins thereafter. There are a couple other strains that hit me just right when I smoke as flower, but they're few and far between. So, when I experience a "good" strain for me, I like to make a note here for myself and others.


I was feeling a little unmotivated, anxious and irritable today. Weather is cloudy, cold, and very windy, so I put off the yard work. It was mid-afternoon and I was about to totally give-up on being productive. However, I took a nice rip of Sun-Kissed Sour, which I am hoping is the same as this "Sunkissed" stain. SKS is a sativa dominant cross of Sour Tangie and Tropic Thunder, so I'm not sure. Regardless, I instantly felt mentally elevated, motivated, alert, and ready to jam! Have a new song I needed to start recording and I've been meaning to knock out that out for a couple weeks now. Thanks to SKS, I got some quality tracks laid in no time and was/am feeling great now! I was a bit down and a little anxious earlier today, probably because I had planned to do the yardwork but the weather just sucked. Those feelings went away with just a single vape drag of SKS. Total uplift in mood and energy, yet, able to focus on the task at hand and complete it with vigor. I like the earthy/sour/slightly sweet taste, too.

Boost Drops 10-pack 100mg

I took a 5 mg pill, which is my usual dose of THC about 30 minutes before a workout, which I did this morning - and on an empty stomach! It definitely didn’t kick in any faster than any other edible, and I felt almost no effect. Think I will take 10 mg next time and see if I have a better experience.

Grapefruit Sour Dream

This stuff always leaves me kind of "moodless;" No up or down. I do get nicely relaxed/even-keeled and seem to take things at a slower pace than usual and also become very observant. Everything seems like it is happening at 3/4 speed, which is a nice break from the near constant hustle and bustle of daily life. I took a "normal" (for me) vape pull earlier (just a couple seconds draw) right before I went inside the grocery store. I was chill AF and moseyed through damn near every isle. I didn't buy any more more groceries than I originally intended when I walked in, either. Just kind of enjoyed looking at everything, looking around, checking nutrition info on some new things I thought I might be interested in, price comparing, etc. I bet this stuff will be really enjoyable while hunting morels. Just a another month(ish) where I live and they'll come a poppin'!

8th Bagel Indica Flower 3.5g

Good lawd! I had some of this a couple hours ago and, let me tell you, she's potent! I feel amazing right now. Calm, content, relaxed, and in a generally happy mood. Took a single one-hitter of this stuff earlier. At minutes 15-45, I was majorly head-buzzed. After about 45 mins, though, the chill factor started to roll in, and it has been a nice, comfy high since. No munchies, either, and all I have had to "eat" today was a protein shake about 11 hrs ago. I like this strain a lot. But, given its high THC, I think I will pack a little less in the ol' one-hitter next time so as not to get as head-ripped at first. It feels just like an indica-leaning hybrid to me. I'm not tired at all, just mellowed. Seems to have a nice effect on my body aches and pain, too. Definitely recommend this strain, just take it slow. Happy toking, everyone.

Mint Face Off

Audible enjoyment galore. Stops me in my tracks. I just want to listen to and dissect music. Makes me tired in a while, but that is the point. No anxiety/uneasiness. Love the flavor. Everything slows down nicely.