
member since 2018

Recent Reviews4 total


Sold to me as “Blueberry-Pom” this was the closest name in Leafly I could find any I’m pretty sure they’re same enough. This was my first time vaping a concentrate. WHOO- HOOOO!! Not really but not bad. Actually, my stomach feels a little pain now that I’m saying that although I haven’t eaten much today. So I’m kinda hungry. Did the last indica make me paranoid and hungry? I’ll check. Totally but not TOOOOATLY paranoid right now that hotel security is gonna come drag me out of the room from the smell. I thought I heard some man on Walkie-talkie say “the resident” but I’d be a “guest” do never mind. And that smell is..... a little bit of blueberry but then some scary chemical tastes. Not much like weed or else I’m getting immune, or it is different from a vape. Maybe if my friend likes me reading to him, I could read this to him. Whoa. I just had a thought- one friend likes getting read to to calm down because he is so anxious all day that his mind needs to slooooow. But the other friend’s mind needs to come back together again. What if every time my stomach churned it said, “how can I help you?” I don’t think this is a state to write erotica in. Getting sleepy. GOOD!!

White Fire OG

This was sold to me as “Indica” even though this page reads “60% Sativa.” The THC-A was about 21% (little to no THC-9 or CBD). I thought that it would help me sleep. It didn’t do that but it helped my mood, depression, and even anxiety in small hits. It increased my creativity as I found myself noticing things I had not ever before like the patterns on my home screen. And thinking of *happy memories* long forgotten. No paranoia. Very little anxiety and over regulation of self. Very smooth pre-roll to smoke. Nice flavor and moist but this may be the quality of the dispensary over the one I usually use. Not 5 stars because: Didn’t help me sleep. When I finally did, I woke up tense. Got the munchies. Red and dry eyes. Dry mouth. Will buy again.

Jock Horror

Grown by a friend in a legal state, I didn’t know it’s reputation as being an “uplifting Sativa.” I slipped over into my paranoid, overly self-conscious, existential crisis mode which is what I’m trying to avoid at baseline and this made it x100. I was fidgety, felt head pressure, and even a little angry. I did have energy and sex on it was good- maybe because it distracted me. Do not want to try again. Too revved up inside myself while monitoring every action and word that comes out of me. That said, I suffer from lifelong Depressive Disorder and anxiety and I doubt that the general population would have the same reaction. Looks like most enjoy it. It is very popular in my area.

Buddha's Sister

I was kinda let down and had high hopes for this strain. Since it was sold to me as “mainly indica” and the THC-A was only about 17% (no THC-9 or CBD), I thought that it would help me sleep. It didn’t. It felt much stronger than presented. I got into my paranoid, overly self-conscious, existential crisis mode which is what I’m trying to avoid at baseline and this made it x100. And didn’t help me sleep. When I finally did, I woke up tense.