
member since 2014

Recent Reviews1 total

Curaleaf - Phoenix Airport

I agree with you greenworks420, If you did something nice which actually gave you less profit and you got negative comments about it, would you continue? I like Bloom's deals so I'm posting in hopes positive response will counter the negative ones. My free pre-roll count was 135, that equals 108 grams of free medicine. I received more free medicine than I purchased and that's awesome! I have returned and picked up an 1/8 of medicine and 20 of my banked pre-rolls. I like Bloom's bank and hopefully next year more fantastic deals will happen and I'm going to bank as much as possible. I wish my financial bank would do the same deal as Bloom! Grams to dollar example, for every $35 I deposit the bank deposits $40 extra into my account, then I take my $35 home with me, I wish! Even if I had to wait a little for the free $40, the return is greater than the investment and it's free, I don't understand how people can be unhappy? I have read complaints about Bloom's medicine being to dry, disagree, I actually cure mine a little more for better vap usage. I have chronic pain, traumatic arthritis and nerve damage, some of Bloom's medicine works better than others, but, they all have worked. MMJ has kept me off morphine and helped me maintain a life outside of my front door, I applaud those involved with it. I thank Bloom and it's staff for all their great deals and service. I also think it bites that they get complaints while doing something nice.