Surterra Wellness - Jacksonville Atlantic
(Read disclaimers)
This is kinda strange. A handsome guy (least he is handsome) started to talk about his bird. This bird was apparently a special bird (to him I guess?) regardless he actually helped me with what I was there for and it was a great experience but this guy has serious attachment issues with this bird. He even mentioned animals do really well on cbd treats. (Calm birdo?)
Disclaimer 1: he actually has a small pink (he said it’s more “red”) hair brush to groom this Bird
Disclaimer 2: this sounds like Kyle, but, BUT he isn’t real
The kicker is I forgot what kyles bird name was or even the species.
Disclaimer 3: Kyle is real and he loves birds apparently.
My post thoughts of this visit was to go back and figure out what species the bird is. Also suggest a therapist office, so he can get some co dependency classes.
Also Kyle, KYle, KYLe, KYLE. This actually did happen, how do you not remember?