Bud Hut MD
I'm on a fixed income so I went around to all my local dispensaries looking for shake because I'm on a fixed income bud hut has shake I'm talking like 60 an o out the door but that's just the start they save you money with the spin the wheel game and you win free stuff or discounts on your next purchase gets even better so this place is veteran-owned that tells me that oath keeper has came out of the sand pit and open a righteous man's dispensary
only In 2020 so I say this cuase I come from Texas when I was a stoner there you always had to worry about the syndicated drug gangs Mexican cartel and stuff like that you don't know exactly what the dispensary ties are that you're buying from but when you know that you're straight up buying from oathkeeper come on that man is not a terrorist I am buying from the most American dispensary in town can I get a USA respect for your service soldier for I know if it was not for life you lived I would not have the my ground to stand or my freedom owe and don’t forget to add your phone number cause they keep you up to date on there deals and he has his clones to not a lot of places in town do clones