
member since 2014

Recent Reviews1 total


I bought an quarter of this, and it looked like it hadn't been dried very well or cured at all. Under the 40x loupe I could see that it had a reasonable amount of clear trichome heads; none were cloudy which indicates to me that it had been harvested early. After a month of curing there was a skunky smell and a slight piney/fruitiness. It burned to a clean white ash and was quite smooth, without much taste though. Vapourised there was a slight fruity taste but nothing much really. Surprisingly the K2 is incredibly strong. A relaxing, mildly euphoric high comes on quickly. It was creative and put me in good humour, though I found it hard to focus on much. That high soon gives way to a cloudy, buzzy stone which after an hour and a half will have you very ready for bed. I've found that I haven't built a tolerance to this strain really, though my motivation suffers the morning after a few bongs.