EarthMed - Addison (Medical)
Used to be a good place to find deals and a great selection. Now it’s the complete opposite. The day before recreational started I seen them turn alway customers after they limit them to 2 items per category. Some elderly lady said she drives far and it’s hard for her to come this way. She could only have edibles I believe I herd.
How can earthmed turn away or limit medical users to supply the massive lines the next day for people just looking to smoke and buy recreational weed. Now today looking at the menu it says 1 as a limit.
Earth Med claims that the medical and recreational inventory’s are separate. So who divides that inventory when you get the big shipment in? Simple answer when rec weed sells for a lot high price. It may be hard to prove what goes on behind closed doors at earth and I’m sure the suppliers are just as bad.