
member since 2021

Recent Reviews2 total

Jack Herer

I use sativa strains for fatigue and depression, a pick me up in the morning or mid afternoon. I've tried many sativa strains, usually in edibles or vape concentrate form. I got a disposable vape of this strain and I love it! Ok it tasted very strongly like pepper to me. Another less desirable effect is this may make you feel paranoid or agitated. I feel like what it does well is intensify emotional experiences. So if you listen to a song that makes you a little sad normally, you'll be bawling your eyes out. Music that's good will give you chills/goose bumps. Jokes will make you laugh harder. I'm high on it right now and I feel dreamy and creative. It's not as energetic as some other sativas I've tried. There's a stillness I feel in my body that you might normally associate with hybrid or indica strains. Those labels are just imperfect. More visual pulsing or seeing stars than with other strains. Less confused, more organized. This is a good one potentially for studying, writing, and composing your thoughts. I think that some of them hinder my ability to communicate but this one doesn't. I feel positive and ready to take on the world and start my day in the morning when I vape this strain! I'll probably buy it again. As far as hunger/appetite I think the peppery taste makes me want to eat something savory, but it doesn't really give me the "munchies" as strongly as other strains I've tried. It's more of an inspiring/creative/focused strain that's good for the morning. Especially if you're like me, and have never really been a morning person.

Double Durban

Ok first time reviewing a strain because it's my first year of regular use and I wanted to wait until I've tried many strains and know how to compare them. I wanted this to be my first one because I like it so much and want to recommend it! I like energetic strains that help me spark creativity and get going in the morning. For this one, my writing was on fire and I had the energy to draw a Christmas card for my wife, when the day before (when I was w/o weed of any kind), I didn't have the energy to get off the couch all day (depression). So this is a really cool strain to try if like me you're mostly seeking strains that will help you battle depression and work on creative projects you've been putting off. It doesn't inspire me to move and dance as much as some others, but it really seems to help me get motivated to do things I'd been procrastinating on. I feel like it also has spiritual/insightful qualities as well, ideas come more easily and brainstorming happens spontaneously during conversations. Highly recommend for creative people who struggle with depression and "writer's/artist's block".