A new amazing experience. A puff on one of these babies and off you go. Your lungs may well tell you when they've had enough, though. These are a game and habit changer for the med and kick consumer. Get down and boogie!
really lovely taste, if a bit weak. Seriously...are these the best we can expect? i cant believe there's one user here who doesnt like being stoned...makes them dizzy...maybe bud isnt for them, as this is a weak strain.
a souless, pointless and boring smoke. No discernable hit and tastes like stewed spinach. Too much of this rubbish. It may have some kind of medicinal value, but i don't smoke it for that, and i doubt even that. A waste of lungs.
a lovely mongy smoke. puts an inane smile on my face. Beautiful taste which at presant, i cant describe adequately. Time passes in chemdawg time. I feel a boost in creativity. The hit is long lasting and warm. The finish to the hit is a gentle and sound sleep. In hit, it reminds me of big bud, just not in taste.