Banana Truffle1/31/2021Relaxing and up Smells really good but when rolled in paper and fronto you don't really taste it.Show more
Rocket Fuel7/12/2019Its soothing and smooth. Takes a while for the herbs to do their job but it's pretty good.Show more
NYC Diesel1/16/2019that's a classic here.not really a sour fan but in ny that's one I would smoke beside gelato 33 , Elmer's glue,and kahlifa kush.Show more
San Fernando Valley OG10/6/2018Very good and relaxing Remind you,I'm from brooklyn ny and had this given to me three times qpShow more
Gorilla Snacks6/28/2018Very relaxing...and can yall stop with the wont find in brooklyn We get everything from everywhereShow more