
member since 2019

Recent Reviews2 total

Northern Lights

Let me start by saying that I initially was attracted to this strain because of its alleged pain relieving qualities. I am in my mid-50s and a desk worker for most of my life, so as you can imagine my back is not in the best shape. Things have been getting progressively worse though over the course of this year and a few months ago things progressed from generalized low back discomfort into full-blown sciatica. Eventually, I ended up having to get an epidural injection in my spine to relieve the pain. That injection was one of the single most excruciating things I have ever experienced right up there alongside childbirth. After the injection I went home and crawled into bed and attempted to make myself comfortable but nope, that wasn't happening, even with the Perc from the Rx. Cue Northern Lights: it took about 10 draws on my disposable vape pen, and the pain just sort of melted away. It's day 4 after injection and there's still a little pain there, but it's much more manageable. The reason it's a 4 star rating is that it rips my throat up something fierce when I vape it. Next time I'll try flower.

Blue Dream

Unbelievable pain relief! No lies here -- I'm an out-of-shape 50-yo housewife with severe lumbar/sacroiliac pain and also fibromyalgia. I'd been seeing a pain specialist for years but over time, opioids just stopped working. Enter Blue Dream. The first day I took one big puff and was knocked out stoned for most of the day. Then I took some smaller puffs before bed. When I woke up this morning, my pain was finally bearable. It's sort of "phantom pain" in that it's me thinking it is there but it actually isn't. This is amazing. I'll be able to clean the house, and then hopefully go for a walk and meditate a little, everything everyone has been telling me to do. Love you Blue Dream!!