
member since 2014

Recent Reviews2 total

MK Ultra

Great strain, my new favorite. I used to be partial to Bubba, Master and Blackberry Kush but after trying MK Ultra it now takes top billing for just an awesome night time relaxing, slightly euphoric and mellow high with no paranoia or anxiety.

Altitude - Prosser

So I wasn't really all that impressed with Altitude. Don't get me wrong, the folks working there were really nice, but the product was just "decent" at best. The lab tested strains coming in at 7-13% thc is pretty low in comparison to the high quality herb I have found in Cali collectives and Colorado shops. I know it's not all about the thc content but overall I thought I thought the product was mediocre, but it did the job. This probably has to do mostly to all the inexperienced people who rushed out and grabbed a producers license without really having the know how to grow high quality herb and are just in it for the almighty dollar. That brings me to the price... not "donation". People need to understand that this is not a nonprofit business to serve the medical needs of patients but rather a business to make money, so please don't call it a donation unless you are referring to donating to the owners retirement fund. Now, I know demand is high and supply is low and thus prices will naturally be higher than that of the street price or medical collective prices but come on Altitude, how do you think you can justify charging $30 for .5 grams? That is just stone cold robbery. The management should wise up a bit and understand that while they are raking in money hand over fist during this "honeymoon" period and also due to the fact they are the only game in town, eventually people are going to get over the warm fuzzy feeling of "hey!, I just bought legal weed in a store" and they will realize "hey, I just paid 5 times what I should have" and people will stop coming. There is a concept called "running the risk of ruin" which basically says that if you take too much money from your customers too quickly, it leaves a bad taste in their mouths and empty pockets, feeling like they got nothing for their money and they move on somewhere else. Like I said, the people at Altitude were really cool and I am glad I could make a not-so-small "donation" to their cause, but I really hope the become a little more business savvy and look more at the end game and less at trying to cram their pockets while the gettin is good. I will be back when/if the prices hit a reasonable level.