
member since 2013

Recent Reviews2 total

Sour Kush

Sour Kush is a mighty herb at that. Love it's aromatic, tangy bite and the high is what keeps enthusiasts like me coming back for more. Love any strain of sour. 0:00; bowl of SK is smoked, almost instantaneously I am lifted. My heart rate increases slightly, then my head feels heavy, then things subside until I take another hit. +0:15; the high is already comfortable and onset wasn't anything. No anxiety, no holy-*&$% I smoked way too much way too fast, nothing. Smooth sailing. +0:30; about to smoke another half-gram bowl before work. Things should be a breeze and I should get a lot done. This is definitely an herb that doesn't knock you out or give you that 'stoned' feel. I mean, you'll be stoned, though you probably won't look it or feel the negative subjective effects that come with being stoned, fatigue, acting like a brick wall, virtually unable to complete or comprehend anything. No no, sirs and ma'ams, this is an herb for motivation, unlike a previous review I wrote on Romulan. WOW.....


T-10 min.; packed piece with 0.45g freshly ground Romulan. There is a slight spicy, peppery aroma. +0:00; smokes evenly, but hit quite harshly. Taking smaller, controlled and even hits worked best to avoid a coughing fit. Smoke tastes spicy, not much taste of 'grass'. +0:10; unbelievable that at this point into the high time already seems completely distorted and unreasonably long. Although, not having to do anything makes this lag enjoyable in such setting as this, couched. +0:20; still writing, could smoke more, don't really think I need nor want to. I'm good. +0:22; decides to take another hit, it's a big one. Coughing is inevitable. Still soaring at a decent rate, nothing to steep whatsoever. Cashed, checking in at +0:50. +0:50; things are evening out, heart rate steady though slightly raised during onset. Anxiety is decreased. Calm, even breathing, light blues rock is quite enjoyable and eclectic. Smoked a spliff which lifted the buzz even more. Definitely lightheaded. Must lay down. Enjoy Romulan at home! You won't get things done on it. I'm surprised I could write this review. Good up though to Romulan, you've lullabied me right to sleep. A job well done my indica friend.