Alien Rock Candy
I find this strain interesting simply due to how strangely it's effects come on, you'll grind up the weirdly fluffy/crumbly buds, smoke it up and be treated to an unusual sweet-ish earthy flavor. It comes on pretty sneaky at first, giving you the happy floaty feeling of walking around in low-gravity, then at about the 30min mark you'll realize you can't even feel weight anymore and have an odd tugging sensation to your head, and here's where you get beamed up to the mothership for the next 3 hours. From there you'll spend the rest of your time in a spacey dreamlike haze where activities like drawing or playing some colorful platforming games really shine (can't go wrong with Ori and the Blind Forest or Rayman Legends).
My only complaint about this strain is that due to it's fluffy nature you'll need to make sure to pack it REALLY tight in a vape, or else you'll be wasting precious oven space.
But overall 9/10, come fly with me, it's hip, on the mothership.