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Temescal Wellness - Dover

I will preface this by saying that I am neurodivergent. I am sensitive, perhaps overly so, to vocal inflection and body language. I'm also a big, bearded bastard that is often immediately mistaken for a Viking. With that in mind, this is about the experience as a whole, rather than solely on anyone who I directly interacted with. The first thing I noticed was how different and clinical NH setups are over Maine. The woman behind the counter seemed quite acerbic. Perhaps upset when I unknowingly broke HIPAA by reaching for a menu. When I finally got to the counter, the attitude against me seemed to fit the "Git this dude out of here" vibe that I've experienced many times over the 20+ years of customer service. After that, her tone felt very condescending during the unprompted guidelines, asking for ID the third time, and spoken at a cadence that reminds me of an audiobook on 2x speed. The attitude felt very much like I wasn't welcome. The only time I got words in were to ask specifics. I felt pressured to be rushed to a decision. At this point I was already a bit off from the whole experience, with anxiety already triggered. I quickly chose a I got a 10 pack of pre-rolls, capitalizing on their first-timer discount. How they package and roll their pre-rolls can tell a lot about the place. Unfortunately, the negative experience continued when I finally got to consume one. Packaging was a plain tube, so nothing wrong there. The rolls were long and thin, packed loosely with herb that had been overly dried, but that's not uncommon. A third of the way through the first and I couldn't keep it lit. After the fifth relight, I finally caved and dumped out the contents for my bowl. Breaking up the roll found that it was chock full of unground stems. In the case of this one, the stem had poked out the side just enough to prevent a proper seal to smoke. Based on this experience, I definitely will not be back.