I like this one I'm a big fan of pistachios does have that nutty vanilla flavor gassy and at the end it's like a cough and I like that I like the strain
it's a very smooth light smoke high perfect kind flavors are more like minty at first it smells like minty and tase like it has a bit mild sweet to it like peachy mango flavors just like a jungle a man with his cigar and more like Tar cigar just like commando the movie lol but it my first time trying it and love the the strain it pretty dope i smoke it in Raw paper so it was ok
I taste more like a fruit tree a bit of a tobacco I feel it's not too much of a sweet strain compared to rose gold that has a lot of tropical flavors to it and it's actually more sativa this one is kind of like a sativa but more like Indica at the end get you you sleepy kinda of
I just tried this one taste a lot like cereal milk because it is from that strain but the vanilla is kind of there but not really taste more like Woody For sample Mac one has more flavor vanilla with a bit of a butter it's a bit better but this one is OK flavor is it is a cough I've noticed it's a strong diesel flavor to
and then with ADHD Tourette's this is actually pretty good strain for me keep me focus creative and a bit active and then later on gets you a little bit mellow a pretty great flavor strain to
I know this is a hybrid but sometimes I feel like it's a downer more of a Indica but the flavors I taste more plum and then it goes to apples in the middle then at the end is blueberry flavor strain it's OK with taste but I feel like I prefer permanentfrost better on the effect and on the flavor out of both of them this one is more of a upper and I feel blue lobster can be a bit of a Indica good for sleepiness too mr. good to manage to do things
now this is one of my favorite strains of all Mac 1 the flavors buttery berry I love this hybrid high it's really good strong high too but the flavor is amazing never forget this one and I love how the crystals look on this bud o