
member since 2011

Recent Reviews12 total


Girl Scout Cookies~F1 Durban x OG kush although alot of clubs add cherry kush which is fine but not the original GSC strain created in San Francisco. Adding the cherry kush gives you a whole different high, so i stick to the original formula F1 Durban x OG Kush. Well where do i start, nugs were like dense rocks covered in crystals with long curly yellow hairs sprouting out of it..making the nug look golden. Took a hit in my pipe tasted like dessert on the exhale, your in for a treat. Took 2 good hits to start feeling this medication. The buzz was super long and ends with the munchies seriously. Overall the high is euphoric and happy good daytime use, not for beginners. rate 10 out of 10


Trainwreck, had this a couple times but never like this. I choose to get an ounce of Trainwreck instead of some Sour Bubble. Best decision i made by far. This strain made me remember why i love Cannibus so much. The high is classic yet up to date. Extremely strong sativa it can get u going or have u stuck on the couch it really depends what mind state your in after smoking. My experience, i was so high i didnt care if i was over there or over here. Strong mind control not like other strains ive had. But like the experienced smoker i am i know how to enjoy it unstead of being tripped out as others would say. But it can get trippy alright! while watching tv i kept seeing things flash on the side of my eye away from the tv. Thats about as trippy it got for me atleast i think haha now im just jolly and ready to fire up another bowl of this. Another journey for my conquest. Rate 9.2 out 10 not my favorite strain but damn is it my favorite!

Purple Kush

Purple kush where do i start...lets see smoked a bowl of this and my body went straight into a relaxed state. It felt lovely, i decided to smoked another bowl right after and while i was packing it, i couldnt help but notice the sativa effects of the strain kicking in. I started wondering how high am i really? Im not a trippy type person but alot of weird/trippy stuff happened while i was high on PK. Stuff i couldnt even explain. It tripped me out but i was too high and relaxed to care. after an hour my eyes were extremely heavy but i wasnt too sleepy, just very relaxed. I decided to watch a movie and was high the whole time...love this indica Rate :9

Strawberry Cough

Got an 8th of this strain, nugs were very strange looking to me but extremely dense with hints of red. Anyway after i sparked up a bowl out my bubbler, i could feel myself getting higher by the second, almost like the smoke was expanding thru my body very slowly..such an awesome feeling, after 1 bowl i'll admit i was stoned enough to take a break. Went in my house played some videogames and was really into it, although the screen was hard to focus on for some reason, seemed shaky and distant, all props to strawberry cough for that. Also took a bus ride stoned of this strain most amazing bus ride i had ever! Felt good looking at the world thru the bus window. got to see my city in ways i never seen before. Very eye opening strain..dont pass on it if in area! Rate:9

Alaskan Thunder Fuck

This strain is perfect for lifting spirits. i picked up a bunch of ATF during a rough term i was havin in school. I was completely stressed out and sick of it. I started smoking ATF and it helped me thru most of the problems at school and kept me real calm put very focused at the same time, It really got the best of me. Pick you up weed. It gives you that second wind when you need it the most. rate 8 out of 10 must have!

Granddaddy Purple

I love me some GDP! this strain is what you expect out of bud. Indica dominate with medium level sativa effects. Amazing body high , relaxes like no other. Everything is hilarous too me when im high off GDP. So you can expect to be grinning alot. Shortly after the giggles are gone, your body gets really tired. this is the body high slowly taking over. Depending how much you smoke, you might have a fighting chance but for others this would be the perfect time for lights out. 8 out of 10 rate because the high is inconsistent but very enjoyable.

Bubba Kush

Smoked Bubba Kush on many different occasions and I must say this strain never disappoints, Im more of a hybrid/sativa smoker, so I try to stay away from indica strains that might make you sleepy/lazy. Although this strain does make you lazy and a bit tired , it gets you extremely high and thats the goal. It doesnt have too many sativa effects but the effects it does have are outstanding. Nothing quite like Bubba Kush. lots of happiness, smiles, and goodnight sleeps. Sometimes that all you need. rate 9 out of 10 because this is the only indica strain i can enjoy to the fullest as a sativa smoker

Blue Cheese

This strain is one of the best. Whenever i smoke it, it puts me in a mind state where i want to be and relaxes me at the same time. Highly potent, spent 2 hours in my room high off B.C. and enjoyed every minute of it. Makes me appreciate life and the little things. Gives me a strong content feeling. U dont need alot to get high either. 9 out of 10 rate.. improves everything around you and puts you in better mindstate must try!

Orange Kush

Orange Kush is some strong medication! My first time smoking it, i really had no idea what to expect. I was expecting some kush effect though. I smoked a blunt of O.K. and a bowl out my bong. I was high the rest of the night. I had some friends over cause my parents were out of town, so i kinda wanted to stay up and enjoy my high. Orange kush had different plans. After 45 min or so, keeping my eyes open became a task. I never knocked out after smoking weed but i really didnt have a choice. So anyone with insomnia would love this strain. i rate it 8 out of 10 some top notch medication


This strain is what you make off it. It gets you high but it seems like the more you smoke of it, the less potent it becomes. So dont oversmoke this strain expecting to get higher. Defiantly a functioning high, not my favorite but it does help me face reality and gets rid of any negative feelings you might have. 7/10 worth a try, some of you might like it more than me. Its really what you make of it