JARS Cannabis - River Rouge
TODAY was horrible service as many times as I have shopped here it's like every other time I shop, I have a problem and who want to go to buy their bud and have to have hassle. Today Black Friday yeah right so I wake up to a call about first 50 people to shop will receive a $150 gift bag (when inside it says $200 value) and the lady tells me $300 so what one is it. smh so we get our ounce and she tells us its $100.28 WHAT IN THE WHAT @ 40% off it shouldn't be that much and when we get the receipt it we look at the prices and they upped the price of the ounce so your not getting a deal even with 20% off as she said when we got back there that its not 40% off shelf bud only select items. I'm just so over jars anymore I will not be shopping for my bud here anymore and the sad part is I still want to shop here but not with this kind of service. NOPE NOPE NOPE crazy part is I've gotten a way better deal and it wasnt black friday or a big sale day. Today left with 2 items at $100 and few weeks ago I got 6 items and it was only $20 more smfh SCAM SCAM at its finest and its just so sad that they do that and now I don't know if it was just the budtender today or what. Budtender Sierra 26853 she didn't even try to get us a lil better deal either and if I had another tender it would have been different WILD