Aliens On Moonshine
This strain is the most medicinal magic I've ever had!!!
I was an active, truck driving cowgirl for the past 39 years, and in the last 15 years I've been dealing with depression, anxiety, Fibromyalgia, Rheumatoid arthritis and degenerative disc disease which causes me daily pain that seriously slows me down, sometimes a LOT.
I tried Aliens on Moonshine yesterday and OMG I actually felt like a normal human being again!!!
My pain subsided, my depression disappeared, not a hint of anxiety, and I just felt AMAZING!
There's no stony head feel to this stuff, though I imagine a long session could do it lol, but I felt alert, ambitious, and totally happy, even though the day before I was ready to give up because the daily pain and depression were getting the best of me : (
I HIGHLY recommend this strain to anyone that suffers with pain, depression, anxiety and/or fatigue because this one checked all the boxes for me : )